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Auto brake/stop


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Hi, sorry to ask this as it must be lots on this subject, but the search facility or this forum is not very good beyond 1 syllable, Ok! 1 word. 
What i am looking for is an auto brake system for the end of my sidings by the buffers so we don’t go flying off the end of the rails. I am using DCC with an Elite controller. It would be nice to just auto stop & not do anything until I go back & tell the loco to move. Any suggestion’s ?




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You can use a 5-diode module and a decoder that supports Assymetric DCC, such as Hornby Sapphire, Lenz Silver or Gold, etc.


To see how it works go here and look at the basic BM1 module.



Other modules BM2 and 3 are more complex and not exactly a diy build.


To see how to make a BM1 like module go here.




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The simple solution is to have break in one rail near the end of the siding wired to a press to make switch. The loco will stop in the isolated section until you press the switch to repower it and move it back into service.....HB

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 Definately go for ABC braking. I have two (expensive) ESU Loksound decoders and one Zimo (non sound & well priced) decoder that all support this. My EMU trundles up & down its' branchline without ever crashing off the end & always stopping in the same place (give or take about 5 mm).

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Hi, thanks for the input guys, but i am a bit confused on why i should go for the BM1 diode method & not a simple push or spring-loaded switch suggested by Howbiman to put the power back to the track. You have to have a switch with the diode’s. Remember, this is for all my siding’s & not the main line. Or is there something I am missing? Or is there an advantage with the diodes.

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The advantage of deploying the BM1 diode circuit is that the loco will slow to a halt but sound and lights can continue........assuming, of course, that the decoder in the loco is capable of ABC braking........HB

Ah! That’s worth remembering, but in this situation, it is sort of where they park up for the night. So, just a switch will suffice for this one. Thanks for the help.

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Also with the BM1 logic you can drive in auto-stop but still be able to drive back out the other way. This obviously being set in the decoder.

Another method could be a magnet or opto detector operated relay tripping power to the siding as the loco enters. The isolation break could be anywhere down the siding Depending upon how dead you need the siding to be, some or all of it.


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