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Analogue on Digital and cry for help generally - +50year returnee

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Hi - I apologise as i am sure this is probably covered elsewhere (but i can't find it) but i have a number of very/extrememly stupid questions.

I have a digital layout which i have in a outhouse - it is a 5 year project 3m by 2.5 m - it will lower from the ceiling.  So finally got into gear after cajoling by family and freinds.  I am the classic +50 year old returning to this after 38 years:

Very slow on the four lane digital - i have a six lane one  but not tried that yet

Plugged in a sport transformer/track (two power packs) - and this is the very stupid question - the one controller seems to work on both tracks, that is both tracks are powered and work on he one controller.  I have digital cross over still in place (don't laugh!!!).  it does work well though on the sport/analogue

Someone mentioned copper taping - is a thread about that

I note that you cannot exchange personal information on the site - but does anybody know of any clubs in the Darlington/Teesside area.  Think i need to cajole someone to come round for half an hour to help me do a diagnosisi etc

Thanks for reading this and my apologise if this has been covered and i have broken any forum etiquette


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Hi Chris,


A few quick questions... which power base are you using? are you in analog or digital mode? and which types of digital lane changers do you have in play?


Focusing in on the lane changers - which of course are intended for digital use...


The straight lane changers keep both lanes powered separately... so work fine with all power bases in either digital or analog mode.

The curved lane changers (now discontinued) do make electrical connection between the two lanes unless modified. This would give the effect you describe And should be avoided. There is a simple mod if used in analog mode with the APB (C7042) - they of course work fine with that powerbase in digital mode. If you have an ARC PRO there are several modification options - and you will need to choose carefully - modifications are required for both digital and analog modes with this particular power base.


Hope this helps...



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In addition to Dr_C there are a number of rules to observe when using a digital track layout for analogue. If you have crossover tracks (not the lane changers) they must always be in pairs. Each booster cable if used must only connect to one independant lane and not link across the two main lanes. Curved lane changers must be modified versions as unmodified they link the two lanes. Digital Lap counters must be removed.


I think that is about it!

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