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Weird Turntable problem

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How are you operating the turntable? Have you placed a TT icon on your layout and configured that and/or have you configured it as a locomotive and using a loco throttle to run it? What kind of decoder are you using for the TT? Have you tried running the TT from the Elite only, without using Railmaster?



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Some Hattons decoders have been getting bad press on the forums recently for uncommanded stop start operation. It may be your booster has given the decoder a fright and a reset would at least put it back to square one or it may be one of these dodgy ones That folk are sending back.


I hope the man-flu is getting better. Zinc and Vit-C helps or a good slug of whisky and some honey stirred into a mug of hot water. Not sure about the medicinal properties but the glow factor is more than adequate.



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St1ngR4y Thanks for the suggestion testing now, however it has workled properly before.  the decoder is Hatons own (they fitted it) and so far I am just using the "standard method" of using the icon in RailMaster.

So I'll keep you posted



Have you had any success with your turntable yet?



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  • 1 month later...

Hi I have the Hornby turntable with DCC sinalled aftermarket  I can turn it from RailMaster OK. However I think I have somehow damaged it as no matter what ini settings I use in Rail Master the motor itself only runs for about 4 seconds.  I have the speed set at 40 and have experimented with the timer but even at 50 seconds I only get the motor running for a small amout of time.  

On another post I mentioned I had incorrectly wired my Elite booster circuit to my track and the turntable went crazy so could i have damaged the decoded in some way, although it does respond so not burnt out.  Would it be a good I do to reprogam it to defaults and if it is how do I do that - is it a CV setting?

I have one power district coupled to Elite coupled to RailMaster (or I can swap this out for an e-link) 

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Would it be a good I do to reprogam it to defaults and if it is, how do I do that - is it a CV setting?


Just to remind you, writing 8 to CV8 will perform the reset to the factory defaults of the decoder. This will also reset the DCC address back to 003 from whatever it currently is.

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