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Tornado problem


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With regard the bends. Is it a left bend or a right bend or both. Also, does the issue also happen if in reverse on the bends?


If for example it is only a left bend, but turning to the right is not an issue (or visa versa). Then I would suspect that the axles are moving sufficiently sideways to allow a wheel pickup to come away from a wheel (lack of pickup tension).


Note regarding left versus right. On an oval, with the loco going clockwise in a forward direction, the bends will always be to the right. Turning the loco round to face the other way and driving anti-clockwise in a forward direction, the oval bends will be to the left instead.


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The problem seemed to be on left hand bends (anticlockwise), in both directions.

So following your advice I turned it around to go clockwise and after a couple of semi stalls it worked properly. I ran it in that direction for a few minutes, turned it around again and it now seems fine. 

Could it be getting ready for new pick-ups?

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@Spireblade........turn the loco upside down and see how well the three driving axles slide from side to side.......often these need lubricating to ensure free movement so bends can be traversed easily........needs a long needle with a tiny drop of oil to get down to the axle bearing........just a thought......HB

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