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Railmaster firewall port number??

Guest Chrissaf

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Which firewall are you referring to:


  1. The default Windows one (if so which version of Windows ?).
  2. A replacement Windows firewall installed by your AV product (if so which AV product ?).
  3. The one in your ISP provided router (if so what router brand / model ?).


You probably need to configure an exception in it, have you implemented the recommendations in the "Security-en.PDF" guide installed by RM in the RM documentation folder.

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This step by step is specifically for Windows 10. It is however, very similar to previous W7 & 8x


At step 4 if RailMaster is listed in your set up, then something else is wrong. If not listed in step 4, follow step 5 to add the Firewall exception. The act of adding the exception should set the appropriate firewall ports for RM. Note that there are two entries, one for private and one for public.


To see the image in a bigger scale, subject to the browser you are using, right clicking the image should give an option to view image in a dedicated view, doing so should make it bigger. Or save it to your HDD to open in another image app.


EDIT: Missing step....at Step 4, after clicking "Change Settings", click "Allow another app..." before moving on to Step 5.




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Right Done this and added it to my Mcafee Firewall As well but still wont register. This is very annoying.  I have bought 2 copies of RailMaster one for my PC and One for my laptop the PC installed and worked fine off the bat and my laptop aint having none of it. grrr Both on windows 10 both have Mcafee. driving me round the bend

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Hi Correl. I have a theory about this (i.e total guess). Is your main PC RM running when you start the laptop version? My thinking is that both Rms are trying to access the same ports in the router and whichever one was started first is blocking the other one.

One way to test this theory is to start the laptop RM first and see if the PC RM is blocked. Everything I have read about networking RM seems to assume that the two copies are linked as master/slave and are not two separate entities.

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I know absolutley nothing about what you are having trouble with but can tell you that Windows 10 has had changes and is sticking certain drivers into another area of your computer SYSTEM RESERVED and on my laptop it is not being defragmented and will not defragment. Researching this I found out that it can be altered but may ruin the systems running. Most of the time computers are great but sometimes they are rubbish and this is one of the rubbish times when the powers that be have messed up. I lost a Canon Scanner and HP printer because Windows 7 was incompatable with their programming and there were no patches etc for the drivers to get them to work.

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  • 1 year later...

I yesterday evening paid for an upgrade to the Pro edition and also the Handheld app.  I received the unlock codes for both just this morning, so I'm about the give them a try.

I noticed that when I turned the Windows Defender firewall function off completely on my Windows 10 laptop, things seem much more responsive in Railmaster (when activating sounds or moving trains) and also using the evaluation edition of the handheld app with my Elite.

I now need to see if I can just allow Railmaster through the firewall, as I don’t want to permanently not have a firewall enabled!

I know it’s off topic. but I have had a real result with the Railmaster handheld app.  I had an 8 year old iPad first generation 64G 3G model that’s been no use (and has sat on the shelf for years, with a perfectly good battery) because it won’t go higher than iOS 5. Any Internet browsing typically crashes Safari due to not having enough internal memory for loading the webpages.

The Railmaster handheld app works very well with this version of iOS and the pinch to zoom feature works perfectly.  Its quite handy indeed to be able to resurrect old kit in this way.  The app is a bit quirky, but clever nonetheless.

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You have resurrected a 2-yr old thread but the advice for adding an exception to your firewall remains perfectly valid.


I have an old iPad2 that is gathering dust so I may dig it out and treat myself to a hand held licence based on your experience.



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I found that activating my RM i had to turn my firewall off, I turned it back on and now the program is showing no internet.  Does anyone know the port numbers to open for it to work?

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