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DCC loco running opposite to controls


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i have recently built a permanent track for my son (and me). Everything was running fine with 5 locos all running correctly using a Select controller. 

one of the locos is the Somerset Belle. It was running well and then suddenly wouldn’t respond to the controller, not moving in either direction, even when placed directly onto the power track. 

I reallocated the loco to a new address and it came back to life but now runs in the opposite direction to the controlle. 

Does anyone have any asvice on how I can resolve this problem?

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  • 4 weeks later...


I have this same problem, however I have tried following the instructions on page 12 of the instruction booklet and it doesn’t work. I hold down “0” as instructed but this has no effect on the controller. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated!

For info, I’m using the hornby select controller and the “0” buttom does work when I press it, but just does seem to register when I hold it down.


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Perform a Select factory reset first (Select manual page 19), before trying the Page 12 documented process again.


I don't have a Select myself, but the instructions on page 12 lack clarity in the Step 2 documentation.


One interpretation is to 'Hold' the Zero key for a few seconds (typically 3 to 5 seconds), then release the key before pressing the 'left' or 'right' arrow key.


The second interpretation is that you 'Hold' the Zero key whilst you press the 'left' or 'right' key at the same time.


Which of these two interpretations are you following. Whichever one it is, try the other one and see what happens.


If this suggestion solves your issue, report back here which one worked for the benefit of future readers.


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This Page 12 extract was taken from the Select Firmware 1.2 to 1.4 manual.




This Page 12 extract was taken from the Select Firmware 1.5 manual.




This Page 12 extract was taken from the Select Firmware 1.1 manual.




So the documentation seems to be showing that the button pressing procedure to follow is consistent for all Firmware releases above version 1.1.



To identify which Firmware version your Select is. Look at the very first two digit number that appears on screen when applying power to your Select. It should be a number between 10 & 15 (which equate to firmware versions 1.0 to 1.5).



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