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1.4 firm ware upgrade


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Hi all
I was wondering if anyone has upgraded their elite DCC controller yet?
It seems an awful lot of work to do this complicated looking task. I only use my Elite to run my trains. I don't have sound locos and don't alter C.Vs as I don't understand

what they are and is beyond me.
I would not risk ruining my controller by upgrading if this is all it is going to affect.
Does it improve day to day running? Will it be any benefit?

Thanks Mickyb
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I also run Railmaster - so rarely use the Elite as an interface to the system ( directly). But I think it is probably more important in this instance to keep all the 'versions' in sync otherwise I am not sure if you will know if a problem is the Elite

or Railmaster.

I am not sure I would have a clue as to how to use most of the functions on the Elite without looking them up each time
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The 1.4 upgrade includes a set of user interface enhancements plus additional support for decoder "functions".

The user interface changes are not relevant if you always use the railmaster sw. The function changes can be. You can now access 24 functions

as well ad momentary activation of functions. The main use of the higher number functions is for sound decoders.

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A lot of the problems I have seen posted seem to e linked to computers running Windows 7 as the operating system.

I have updated to v1.4 using a 6 year old laptop (now a bit slow and doddery at times) and it was worked first time. It did take some

time though especially installing the microsoft net 4framework onto the laptop. I just let it get on with it. Maybe I was lucky.

I think it is allways worth updating as there are often hidden bug fixes in updates that are not allways published. Also

I would have thought that if railmaster itself is updated it will need the latest firmware on the elite that it is in control off.

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Seeing the comment above about Windows 7, I have just done the upgrade today. I did email Hornby about it and they sent a Pdf with Windows 7 specific instructions. As far as I can tell it works just fine. I just have to catch up with where they have made

changes to how to control some things. For instance it is now much easier to control the engine functions, like sounds, lights etc.
I agree with the comment above about keeping updates going as minot hitches with previous levels will be improved along with

the other updates.

Regards Julian
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up to you of course.... but don't let dcc discourage you.

I have found that you can understand dcc in layers. at the first level all you need to do is connect things up and set an address in each loco. this is not difficult.


are many more layers to do with CVs and xpressnet protocols and railmaster/jmri/... All of these can become interesting later. The nature of this and other forums is that much of the discussion is about detailed stuff that you don't need as a beginner.
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