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Finally. Old DC Motor to DCC

Kevin Hodges

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I had a day off work, a Sapphire decoder sitting in a drawer and I thought one last go.


Guess what ? It worked.!


I didn't want to ruin the decoder, so I made up a 'home brew' harness using single pin connectors that fit snugly over the pins on the decoders 8 pin plug. That way, I can remove the decoder any time no damage to the decoders wiring.



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Well done Kevin.


You can get 8-pin nem652 socket similar to your single pin ones...


Please note my loco wiring colours are non standard - I used what I had at the time.


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 Thanks Rob,


It was a very satisfying day. I have gone back to DC, but I like a challenge and I wasn't going to be beaten.


I'd already fried a couple of decoders. I think the problem was the decoders I used were too whimpy for the older Triang motors.


Thankyou for the tip regards the 8 pin nem socket.



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