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DCC to Analogue

Guest Chrissaf

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Can anyone help with converting an old B12 R150 loco from DCC back to analoge. It came out of a set R1097 and has a Service Sheet No.HSS 324. It has no blanking plate. Thanks.

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There is no blanking plate for the 4 pin decoder so it will be necessary to cut the socket off and reconnect the right side pick-up wire to the right side motor tag and conversely on the left side. The small capacitor should be retained as a TV suppressor..........HB

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I wish I had £1 for every time this type of question gets asked. By default, a DCC decoder supports Analogue DC operation. Thus there is no need to actually remove the DCC decoder to revert the loco back to Analogue DC working.


However, if you want to be 'belt n braces' then it is fairly easy to replace the decoder with a 'blanking plate'. The loco decoder in the R1097 set according to your stated HSS324 is the four pin X9659 decoder. The official Hornby blanking plate for this decoder is the Hornby X6623.




However, this is shown as 'out of stock' in all the usual suspect suppliers I have tried. So if you can't source this X6623 plug as a ready made item, you will have to make your own. As you can see in the image above, the two outer pins are just connected to the two inner pins, a simple connection to make.




The four pin housing and crimp pins are made by Dupont and are from their 2.54mm pitch range. They can be purchased on ebay if you search "Dupont 2.54mm". You need socket crimps rather than pin crimps. They are easy to make up, I have used these connectors a lot myself.


You can buy boxed kits of these connectors providing a range of different sized housings for less than £6 on ebay. Very useful to have in this hobby, as they can be used for lots of different electrical hobby applications.


Alternatively, if you don't fancy crimping wires on these tiny pins. You can buy 4 way Female Header Socket Housings with socket pins already installed. Then it is just a case of wiring the outer pairs of pins together with a soldered wire strap. These are compatible with the Dupont type of connector, but a very slightly different design.






EDIT: Just seen HB's post, which he posted whilst I was writing this reply. Obviously HB was unaware of the existence of the X6623 plug. In a way he is correct that there is no plug available, but only because no one seems to have any stock.


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But why would you want to convert back?

Are you then going to convert the loco back to a clockwork motor?  😛

I am trying to help someone out who has an analogue system and does not want to go the additional expense of investing in DCC, just yet anyway.

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