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Powering Points.


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I have recently started up my model railway again after a decade away from the hobby.

I have got a fully operational DCC layout and the last thing that is needed is to power my points remotely. I do not wish to use my DCC control to do this as I have loads of Hornby R044 switches and lots of point motors, I would like to use them separately and leave the DCC unit to just power the lines and control the loco's, plus I like the action of moving the little levers.

I am aware that if this approach is to be taken its best to use a dedicated power supply, what is the best method for this and what would I need to connect the power supply into? If anyone has advice on what I would need for this step by step for instance please let me know. Thanks. 

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If you have access to the old style track power supply units that have an accessory output I find they are perfect to supply power to the point motors .You can even get pre-wired switches off ebay to do the connection .I use surface mounted point motors .Search for HORNBY R965 TRAIN CONTROLLER and C912 MAINS POWER SUPPLY and use the output from the 2 peg connectors at the side of the main red nob .


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Welcome to the Hornby forums and back again to model railways.


You could do no better than to look at Brian Lamberts web site for information about the many and various ways of powering non DCC points.


This links to page 1 of his Electrics coverage http://www.brian-lambert.co.uk/Electrical.html but the whole site is worth a read.


Be aware that if deciding to use a CDU in circuit that Brian (who posts on here as Flashbang)  makes special mention about the use of Hornby passing contact R044 switches.





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