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Hornby Select: Programming Diffiuculty

Mr Bassman

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Previuosly I have not had a problem, but I now find the controller will not accept a change of address neither will it change acceleration/decelleration commands. I have follwed all the procedures in the manual: single loco on track following explicitly the procedure in the manual,  reset controller via CA command eg Stop button  and < and > buttons; turned loco around as sugested in one reply, but nothing changes. Does this mean the controller is busted or is there something else I can do??

There are three locos involed and all have factory fitted gaugemaster dcc decoders installed. N gauge locos.

As stated earlier there was previously no problem.

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Have found the problem myself. A sigle Graham Farrish loco using a Gaugemaster DC23 decoder can be reprogrammed but two Dapol loco's with creep tender moters using DC23 decoders cannot be reprogrammed. Therefor there is nothing wrong with the Select unit. Will post a separate question on this problem.

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