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6 car powerbase problem


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Hi give got a large scalextric for the kids bought a year ago new with a 6 car powerbase i run 6 btcc cars but only 4 cars at the same time the problem ive got is that at 50 % power the cars dont run propely around the track stopping all the time if i put it on a higher power setting ie 75% 88% or 100% the cars run fine problem been if i put the power on higher than the 50% the kids destroy the cars  things ive tried 

1-booster cable no success 

2 - extra genuine hornby power input no success 

3- checked and cleaned track no sucess

4 new braids cars cleaned around motors

All cars running with digital chips all worked fine until about a week ago any ideas would be hugely appreciated TIA

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Welcome to the forum!


It's ages since I've used my 6-car Advanced Power Base with its display tower. I have mine linked to a PC. On the PC software, I'd tweak the power setting until things were working, but the only power settings available on the tower are 100%, 50%, 75% and 88%. Shame there is not something between 50% and 75% to try.


I think your hunch, like mine, was that the 50% setting had suddenly (or gradually) become not quite enough juice to get the cars round. Your four tweaks should have done the job, although INOX (see below) might give an extra boost. My only other hardware thought is that one of your power supplies (or one of the sockets) is either playing up or not working, that might well give those symptoms - you think you have power from two packs, but you're getting power from one. Best to check each of the power supplies in turn in one socket after the other (I'm pretty sure you can use either socket with one powerbase?). Use four cars and the 50% setting. That should eliminate if a power pack or socket is not working.


If that's not the issue there is a slight chance it could be a software issue in the tower. What you could do is use a 'Reset Default Settings' (page 13 of the instruction booklet) and then set the power to 50%. Best to jot down any of the other setting you've set over the past year before you to the reset.


Finally, there is INOX MX3 - it helps massively with keeping digital tracks running very nicely. If you don't already use INOX, I do recommend getting some - it's pretty magical for issues like you describe. A small bottle will last a long time - just a single drop on each of the cars' braids at the start of the day will do the job. It's available in Australia and New Zealand - and worth the cost to import it elsewhere.


I hope something there helps and others will chip in with their suggestions.

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many people use an alternative power source, either adjustable or with less power

lots of suggestions for them found at slot forum ,digital,advanced


if toy destruction is an issue

select more durable digital cars to play with

the original porsche boxster and audi tt will take a beating and are usually found cheaply on ebay

have been running them over a decade with grandkids

only issue they have is need to resolder the lead wire at the guide plate when it eventually breaks

and lastly pad sides of your track

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