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New to DCC how easy is eLink to use


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It has no user controls, its literally a black box.

All user control is from a PC screen, once you have set it up, which can vary from PC to PC, anti-virus to firewall, etc. Have a read of the sticky posts at the top of the Railmaster forum area.


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Personally if you get one, rather than following the Hornby documentation which is a bit ropey to say the least. I would follow the 'setting up guidance' on AC's Help site. Link to that is in the 'sticky post' at the top of the RM forum. Just be aware, that to see the embedded step by step screen shots, you have to click the image icons embedded between the paragraphs of text.


Many people report setting up eLink first time without issue. Some have reported nightmares doing it. Personally I had an initial issue installing the Elite (eLink) driver in Windows 8. But once I binned the misleading Hornby documentation and used my own intelligence and PC driver installation experience. I then installed the driver first time at the very next attempt. It seems to be down to users PC & software literacy as to how smoothly the installation and setting up goes. It does help it seems, if you DO NOT have McAfee installed on your PC, as RM does not seem to like McAfee's aggressive over protection.

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PXR5, hi, what laptop are you going to use, and what version of windows.. They  can be a tad difficult to start with. Many, manage fine, but if you read the threads at the start, as chris says, it will become clearer. You will need , also, a tad of patience. If you have an old laptop, by any chance, that you can dedicate to RM, that is ideal. Many of us do that. In my case, windows 7, is perfect, as is XP. My advice, do a lot of reading up.. They are fine, once set up, give no trouble, and super way to run trains.

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