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Western Master loco

Harbottle 1937

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This assumes you are proposing a Hornby TTS sound decoder and not another sound decoder brand.


It is doable, but only if you have enough space for the decoder & speaker PLUS the 8 pin to 4 pin conversion harness you will have to buy or make yourself. The harness will need to be a 8 pin NEM652 socket to a 4 pin Female Plug (see image below).


Alternatively, and this is not recommended as it will make life difficult if you need to replace the sound decoder under warranty, you could cut off the TTS 8 pin plug and terminate the Red, Black, Orange & Grey wires to a 4 pin female plug. The other 5 decoder wires would be insulated and unused. The four middle wires on the 8 pin socket, plus the purple flying lead wire on the decoder making the total of 5 wires.


I can't find a ready made conversion harness, so you would more than likely need to make your own.


Suitable (example supplier) 8 pin wired NEM 652 socket.

4 Pin female plug (example supplier).



Pin 1 in the drawing is Orange


As stated previously you will need to double check the available space inside the body before contemplating this modification. The standard TTS speaker may also need to be replaced with a much smaller 'Sugar Cube' type (non Hornby).


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While it is good practice to mount decoders into sockets where you can, Rob gives the clue at the top of his linked article - with space at a premium, forget about the 4-pin socket, decoder plug and conversion harness, cut off the decoder plug and direct wire it to the pickups and motor. 


Then if still having a problem finding room for the speaker, noting that Rob was able to fit it, you can save more space by using a sugar cube speaker.

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