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Hornby Class 60 TTS decoder issue


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Can someone help me, I’ve got a Hornby Class 60 TTS sound chip and I reset it back to default setting via the Hornby elink but now my directional headlights currently now stay on even when you press f0 to switch them of only one end goes off but the other end stays on even when you change direction,

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There is an isolation switch under the loco - see item 4 on SS286. Its use is described in the maintenance sheet that came with your loco.




Does this happen f you physically turn the loco round on track to face the other way.


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There is an isolation switch under the loco - see item 4 on SS286. Its use is described in the maintenance sheet that came with your loco.




Does this happen f you physically turn the loco round on track to face the other way.


The decoder is hard wired inside a Lima class 60 loco


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Ive got the decoder plugged into a harness which is wired up to the lighting and the motor, if I take the sound decoder out and just plug in a non sound decoder the directional LED lights work normally, could there be a problem with the sound decoder as I did reset the decoder via elink by writing 8 to cv 8 could that of resetted the lighting function.



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Resetting a decoder means the default values are written to the adjustable CVs in the decoder. There are no adjustable CVs associated directly with lighting, so nothing has been reset there. However, for directional lighting to operate, the decoder must be set to 128 speed steps in CV29.  So check the value of CV29 to ensure it’s default value has been correctly set to enable 128 speed steps. 

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TTS decoders have a fairly low current limit on their function outputs 100mA. Is your lighting load within this limit. It may be your other decoder can handle it but the TTS one can’t.


I fitted an Express Models led kit to a Class 37 and the sum current of 2 x reds, 2 x markers and a hi-power headlight was outwith the decoder limit and I had to tame it with an extra resistor in the blue wire. This overload showed as odd lighting effects and eventually the decoder seemed totally duff., but luckily after controlling the lighting current it recovered.


If all fails then invoke the TTS Warranty which now covers accidental damage.


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