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Select V1.2 Firmware Changes (12, 30, 03)

Hornby Customer Care

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With the V1.2 firmware release there have been some improvements to the user interface and other areas of operation. Please note the start-up sequence of the Select has changed i.e. the digits 12, 30, 03 will now be displayed on start up.

This corresponds

to Firmware version, Hardware Version, Address loco 03.

All previous changes in version 1.1 over version 1.0 (original release) remain unless modified in this update (v1.2). For full information please read the following in conjunction with manual re

version 1.1

Description of features changes

Improved Throttle Interface:
While previous Select versions operated satisfactorily re loco control; at times it was possible for locos to stop or accelerate/decelerate suddenly if the

loco is selected after controlling a previous loco. This was not a fault; however operation of locos does rely on the operator remembering the last position of the reselected locomotive. In this change, once the reselected locomotive is chosen the controller

will not affect the speed of the locomotive until the knob is turned and reaches the last speed setting. Once reached the controller will once again become active and the speed of the locomotive can be changed.

[b]Changes to “default direction”


Earlier versions of the Select allowed for the decoder to have the pre-set direction (default) changed by holding down one of the “Direction Arrow” keys for more than 3 seconds. However, it was possible to make accidental changes to the

Decoder’s Default Direction when holding down a “Direction Arrow” key for too long when attempting to change a loco’s running direction. In Select version 1.2 the Decoder Default Direction is now set with a two key operation. This is now achieved by pressing

and holding the “0” and one of the Direction Arrow buttons at the same time for 3 seconds.

Under the skin updates

1) Consists now set up consistently. Earlier versions of the Select occasionally would take a longer time to finalise

the consist.

2) Improved resilience when re-programming certain decoders. In some cases CV2 on some decoders was affected.

3) Revised dependability when operating R8247 Point and Accessory Decoders.

4) Power Down/Resume operation. The

Select will resume loco lighting/movement status after a power down/restart.

Previous Feature Changes - V1.1 Description retained in V1.2

Version 1.1 of the Select made key changes over the original production batch v1.0.


of feature changes[/b]:

1) Point and Accessory addresses now start at 61-99:

On the previous release of the Select (V1.0) Point and Accessory addresses started at 60. This was in order to utilise the full number set in groups of 4 i.e. 60-99

comprises 10 full groups. Starting the accessory address numbering at 61, means that the 10th group will only have three accessible addresses.

While this change may seem like a step in the wrong direction, starting at 61 brings the Select in line with

the NMRA accessory address numbering scheme. In order for the Select V1.0 to operate correctly with point and accessory addresses it was necessary to map the addresses transmitted to the accessory decoders by subtracting 3 from the desired address. this is

over complex, and has now been eliminated. Users with older Selects moving on to V1.1 or V1.2 are recommended to reprogram all points etc. to correspond with a start address of 61.

2) Now possible to control up to 9 decoder functions:


original version of the Select (v1.0) only had the ability to control decoder functions 0-4. The change allows control of decoder functions 0-8.

3) Acceleration/Deceleration may now be set on a per loco basis on the main track:

The original

version of the Select (v1.0) could only set the A/D values using standard programming modes. Version 1.1 uses “Operational” mode to address any individual decoder on the track. Thus, allowing selective loco programming of the A/C values.



Press and Hold the Select Button for 3 Seconds (Number Display should then be flashing “LA”)

2. Key in the Address of Locomotive for A/D programming (Don’t press the Select.)

3. To set A/D value for the decoder address keyed in the previous step.

Either press, the Left Arrow Button (for Acceleration) or Right Arrow Button (for Deceleration), “AC” or “dE” will then be flashing on the display.

4. Key in the value for A/D, and finally confirm the value and complete the programming by pressing Select


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