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Sound vs lights

Old Bob

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Help !

I use a Gaugemaster Prodigjy Express 

Using it run my sound Hornby locos no problem

Have just purchased a Bachmann Europhoenix Diesel Loco

13sound funtions .Up to No 12 OK -NO13 is for cab light but on activating the sound fails

I have to readdres to get the sound back Bachmann say it must be the controler 

Gaugemaster say it must be the Loco ! Help 

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Pound to a penny it ends up being the GM PX at fault. Is the controller firmware upto date if it can even be updated that is.

We would need to know the loco sound decoder type and model as some can be clones of others with a known history.

So many variables.

Third party folk usually blame the Hornby kit first.


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Take a good look at the Bachmann loco as you have said the GM PX controls your Hornby locos OK, making one think the controller is OK.


Can you reset both the controller and loco and see if the problem reoccurs.



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The older Prodigy Express is able to set Functions F0 to F15 (16 functions) using the Shift key to access F10 to F15. So you need to press Shift key then key in 1 and 0 to 1 and 5 to access F10 to F15.  The newer PE2 access F0 to F28

Failure to push the Shift key and trying to access F10 to F15 results in F1 function being activated or deactivated. I suspect F1 is Sound On/Off.  Hence this is why the sound turn Off.  Ensure each time you want to action F10 to F15 the Shift key is pressed - every time!

From the PE manual,,,, To control accessory functions F1 - F9, press 1 - 9. To control F10 – F15, press SHIFT, then input the two digit function number. Only functions up to F12 will show in the display, F13 to F15 will be activated but will not be displayed on the screen.

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Just tried again Pressed Shift 12 (guards whistle ) fine Engine sound great Directional lights OK

Presse the dreaded F13 cab light on Sound kaput 

Then back to default (08) sound etc back 

The decoder is according to the info sheet LokSound Select

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I'm beginning to believe the manual for the Gaugemaster Prodigy Express is wrong?  I'm now wondering if there is a Shift button on the PE??  Please check.  Should be bottom right button.

I have the Prodigy Advanced and that certainly does have the Shift button. But looking at the Gaugemaster image I cant see one on the PE !  Apologises if I've miss lead you by quoting from the GM manual text.

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Following up to my reply based on FBs comments when I siad it would be the GMPX at fault I didn’t mean to imply broken but more like awry to operate. As FB says the button press sequence is likely key to the problem.


There has been other forums discussion about LokPilot problems but  nothing specific I can remember about the LokSelect.



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Yes ,I have a shift button on the cab Have just tried again -Shift-!-3 then lights ok but sound goes off Thanks for your replies I have 2 more Bachmann Locos giving the same problem (brand new) One is going back to them to look at .

Now I will contact Gaugemaster ,see what they say .

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