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R6888TTS Vent Van - Functions

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I recomend runing it in a bit because mine wasn't reading cv's on RM until i did

Thank you for that tip. I did that, running mine in for an hour, and I am now able to read and write CVs (I also had to jiggle the wagon forward a tad on the programming track, before it was seen).


The instructions admit, in so many words, that the power pick up system is not up to much and that the van is "pimarily designed as a 'static van'...". So if problems are occurring with reading/writing CVs, a good run-in, and then remembering to move the wagon on the programming track until it is seen, should solve this issue.


I am now having problems working out what's going on when playing sounds. I have carefully set up the Functions within the loco programming window, adding "on/off" as required for looping and random looping sounds. For example, once a sound is looping, I can't seem to stop it. I play so-called single sounds and they keep playing. Eg, the cock keeps crowing every 40 seconds or so (I didn't bother to time it!). And, as suggested above, I created programs to play F26-28, and these seem to keep playing too. I don't feel in control!  

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Could the functions remaining on be caused by the above mentioned contacts issue, the off signal not reaching the decoder?

I've had something similar, and fixed it by rolling the wagon up and down the track a few times.


I rather like that 'wagons passing' effect.

Would be nice to have that option in loco decoders, tied up to match loco speed. 


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TTS Vent Van will be listed as R6888T in next RM revision, with all functions correctly populated according to HRMS.


The problem you have with eLink and Select is there is no independant method to verify a function is on or off like the screen indicators on the Elite, so when the screen and vehicle get out of synch you are stuffed.


They are working it as we speak.


I would like a signal box themed van with a much wider selection of dings and a code breaking manual to tell me what they mean.



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Thanks for the info and suggestion, William and Rob. Any clues when the new version of RM will be out?

I have had v1.70 on my bench, made comment back to HRMS about changes and await either a final beta version for confirmation testing soon or the release version within a couple of weeks.


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I was checking other stuff worked but not signals as I don’t have any, however the draft release notes quote...

...You can now set yellow and double yellow signals in programs...


There are also test programs in the drop down for 2, 3 and 4 aspect signals and a 4 aspect flashing, as well as a multi-aspect test. What I can’t see is any associated sample track plan for signals.


No doubt you will be able to check all that when you get your hands on it.


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I have an odd problem with changing the address on thid van. Or more likley I am doing something very stupid.

I have two of these vans. I am operating using seperate elinks for power and accessories both with 4 amp power supplies. As they arrived with the address set to 3 both worked when I sent a function instruction via my default set up loco . I have tried changing the address on both several times to a variety of long and short addresees and setting them up in the loco list.  Once changed they do not repond to the loco function instructions. I did a factory reset on one to get the address back to 3 and it duly works again. When I read the cv's the adresses have changed. Any suggestions?

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In RM select the van in the loco list that is set on address 3 and click the change ID icon (its a loco on my scheme). Select a new address and save it. RM will list it as a new loco and it should have all the functions listed. Once the decoder address is actually changed to match it will work from that throttle.

Repeat the actions for the second new address then you can delete the 3 address van from the loco list.


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LLJ just to check - you have physically changed the decoder address and the van in your loco list has the same address. I have made the mistake of adding a loco to the list but forgetting to give the installed decoder the same address. If it reads back as your chosen address then all should be good. As Chris often says we can only see your words not your screen and what you are doing, so our guidance is best guess.


It looked the same to me Andy. The focus of the update was on functionality apparently. I was only looking at one area in detail, i.e. full support for F0 to F28 on the throttles and in programs As well as inclusion of the vent van.


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LLJ just to check - you have physically changed the decoder address and the van in your loco list has the same address. I have made the mistake of adding a loco to the list but forgetting to give the installed decoder the same address. If it reads back as your chosen address then all should be good. As Chris often says we can only see your words not your screen and what you are doing, so our guidance is best guess.


It looked the same to me Andy. The focus of the update was on functionality apparently. I was only looking at one area in detail, i.e. full support for F0 to F28 on the throttles and in programs As well as inclusion of the vent van.


I had another go today and got them both working. When I read the Cv's again both had random addresses. one was 004 and the other 008 neither of which i have used. I reset them again to the right address and they both worked. I think its a bad connection problem so i think they need to be hard wired to be reliable and to be fair provision has been made to do that easily

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Good that you have sorted them LLJ.

For the benfit of anyone wondering why you would hard wire a vent van that comes with TTS installed, hard wiring is connecting it to a power bus rather than free running on the rails.


The van should have 2 tabs adjacent to one axle, but some had the tabs bent up inside (first photo) , easily fixed by bending them down after popping an axle out or just abrade the paint off the pickup busbars and solder to that (second photo).







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