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Win 10 - Elite not recognised correctly by RM or Device Manager


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He who never has any Comms problems is in trouble...


RM was working fine on my UK laptop with my Elite last week, before the Elite fell over. I substituted an eLink and because I didn’t fiddle with the .ini file (only the setup screen bit) the controller icon at top right was out and the hover over said Controller A inactive. It did work trains so I wasn’t bothered as another Elite was coming.


Swapped the eLink for another Elite, redid the setup screen but the controller icon is still out. RM is not talking to the Elite now and RM commands don’t pass through.


Looking in Device Manager I see the usual (Elite) associated Com Port (4) has gone and there is an unknown USB device error. I uninstall the device and driver and wait for Win 10 to find it again. It doesn’t, same error, so I ask to auto update the driver, it looks and says the best driver is already installed. Obviously not.


I repeat the uninstall and this time on find it tells me the Device Descriptor Request has failed when the Elite is found. The Elite is still AWOL in RM and won’t pass commands in either track or program scenarios.


Various hits on Google for Dev Desc Req Fail but nothing that floats my boat, e.g...

Change USB Selective Suspend Settings. You can fix the Device descriptor request failed issue by changing the USB selective suspend settings on your system. ...

2.    Disable Fast Start-up. ...

3.    Uninstall Unknown USB Drivers. ...

4.    Update Generic USB Hub Driver. ...

5.    Remove Power Supply.

Not even sure I understand some of that...

Any clues for a fix anyone.





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Have you tried system restore? This should revert your PC to an earlier time. Type 'restore point' in Cortana the check to see what restore points are available. Choose system restore to see what restor points are available - it'll show at least the most recent. Click show more to see a history. I'd advise creating a NEW restore point before actually going back in time so that you can back to where you started if all gfoes wrong. Then select a restore point and run it - when done reboot the PC and see if the elite now shows correctly in device manager

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Given what you’ve found Rob, did the original Elite really fail?  Seems to me you have a USB problem, hardware or driver, I’m tending to hardware.  If it is hardware, System Restore isn’t going to help, but try it to give you a chance to eliminate drivers.


Where is AC when you need him?

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The other Elite was definitely duff. An error screen on bootup, that you could ESC out of to the normal screen, but not all the functionality worked after that. Reset it whilst I still could but it made no difference and it got to the point where it wouldn’t boot at all, so I tried an update refresh and that gave me a good boot but it went to the same error screen at next power cycle. Hornby reckon its likely a hardware fault that can’t be fixed by a reflash of any sort.


Back to the good Elite - my laptop troubleshooter is telling me this device does not work with USB 3.0 so please plug it into a USB 2.0 port, which it already is. Maybe the laptop does have a USB hardware fault.


I can see the old XP notebook coming out of the bottom drawer to use as a control article to rule out these other faults.


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You might be onto something there Ian as I use the other port in the same port group (2 ports) for my PICKit3 programmer (for PIC chips) as well as for my backup drive when required. The programmer also has its own drivers so maybe they are all getting their wires crossed.

Thanks Rob

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Win 10 doesn't have the same USB purge as Win 7 so I had to work around that and go via the registry to purge hidden USB stuff. I now have the Elite back on port with the correct driver and Dev Mgr show it as normal.

RM is being a bit iffy as it can see the Elite now and then but loses comms at the drop of a hat. Now it is back again, so I wonder if it is a flaky laptop USB area. May do some diagnostics on that.


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Just if you want to try and see if drivers are causing the issue... I would have suggested when the OS tells you the driver is the latest or it refuses to download one then do the following:


Open Device Manager > Look for the item not working properly > Right click on it > Select Properties.

Click the Details Tab > Click the drop down option under the Property label > Find and click on Hardware IDs.

Right click the first item under value and then Copy.


Paste that into a search engine and if a driver link is found download that driver directly and install manually. This WILL override any driver already installed unless it is older. Of course make sure it is labelled correctly for your device and is the correct OS version.


If the first option under Hardware ID doesn't work on the search try the next and so on.


It is one of the best ways to override that daft message for the best driver already being installed especially when that driver is Windows generic.


Hope that helps... it is always my first step after that little gem Windows gives.

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