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R8249 and X9659 decoders the same?


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Are the R8249 and X9659 (aka '4-pin decoder') decoders functionally identical apart from the wiring harness?  Looking at the illustrations on Hornby's website they appear different.  If they aren't the same, what are the principal differences?


I can't find any technical information about the X9659 on the website, and in particular it doesn't state that it is NMRA compliant, which the R8249 does.  How would we expect the X9659 to behave on an NMRA-based DCC system such as Digitrax?




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I've always assumed them to be the same as they seem to use all the same CVs and they perform the same on my layout using either an Elite or my NCE Powercab.  Obviously, no lighting outputs available and they may have been disabled within the decoder, but I don't think they have.

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R8249 can have a 4, 7 or 8 pin plug.

It has the R9659 designation if fitted with a 4 pin plug.

The 7 pin version was for Pendolino only. X9719 is the designation for,this one from memory.

The main difference between them is the 4 pin decoder does not support any functions as it doesn’t have the wires connected to the pcb.


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Thanks for that reassurance, everyone.  Although I have an X9659, I will use the technical info I have for the R8249.  I don't need the additional functions.  I have had some trouble getting it to run well, but it's OK now.


On a related note, has anybody tried to shoehorn one of these decoders AND some form of stay-alive into a J52 0-6-0 tank engine?  Since this engine's centre driving wheels don't contact the track (design intent, apparently) they don't pick up power, and this engine stalls on certain trackwork that has plastic bits (frogs, etc) at inconvenient spacing - e.g. Peco code 100 long crossing.  If so, what stay-alive was used, how much dead time was covered, and how was it all arranged in the small space available?




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