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Digital sound loco will not move after storage.


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After 3 years stuck in a loft!! after a house move.I have finally tried running various dcc locos i have.

All run great,except for one. R2781xs Class 56 Dugital Sound Locomotive. 

The lights and sound functions work great,but the engine is a non runner .The loco "hums" as i turn up the speed controller. ( I am am using a Elite controller).

Any suggestions would be helpful,l to get this great looking engine running again.

Thank you for reading Jimmy. 

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Take it apart and clean the moving parts and re-lubricate. After three years of loft storage the lubrication may have dried out or hardened. The fact that it hums and the lights sound work looks promising and more than likely a relatively easy fix.


Whilst it is apart check to make sure none of the gearing and drive parts have come adrift or shifted location. Try and turn the motor by hand and see if the wheels turn. It could be that a quarter turn of the wheels is all it needs to kick it into life.

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Welcome to the Forum Jimmy

As well as lubricating the 'problem' Loco, after 3 years in storage it would be worthwhile lubricating all the others as well.  Remember though, that little is best when it come to lubricating Model Trains.  Only use the recommended Model Railway lubricant and they do say that if you can see the lubricant, you have put too much on!

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Hi Jimmy, 


Depending on where you live the locomotive could have been subjected to a wide range of temperatures whilst in storage leading to excessive expansion and contraction of the metals on both the chip and the circuit board......even a well insulated loft is not the best place to be storing modern locomotives - or any electronics!


I would suggest unplugging the DCC connector and putting in a blanking plug to see if the loco performs on DC as a first step - after the lubrication advice above!


Best of luck and let us know how you get on.

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I once sold one for legomanbiffo and it had the same problem, he hadnt been using is, and the motor or gears in the bogie towers had seized, cant remember which. Just manually turn the flywheels and it should unseize everhhing. Once it Will move then just run it for a bit



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Hi all.

Sorry for the late update,i have lubricated the loco and tried turning the motor with out any joy.The motor is Humming still but with no movement. 

I was unable to test as a DC unit,because the chip is a 21 pin,and i do not have a blanking plug,so unable to test as a dc unit.

Think i may have to send to Hornby for a service.(Depending on cost).

Thank you again for some good advice. 


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I'd be surprised if the motor wont turn by hand, you might have to remove it grom the model though, or atleast take the drive shafts out of it. Once the motor has been turned by hand it should run again. It might not run very well straight away but after a bit of a run in it will be fine.


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