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Class 67 TTS Running Issue


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Welcome, Electrostar.

First off, this post is in the wrong thread, it should be in the DCC section. I've asked the moderators to move it.

Second - you don't say what controller you are using, or what update it has loaded into it. This could have a bearing on the problem, so when you reply, please include this info.

There have been many reports of TTS decoders acting oddly with some controllers, so please look for and read those posts, in the DCC section.

As a new poster, you will be limited to two posts for a while, until it can be seen that you aren't a spamming robot  and any pictures you submit will be held for moderation, so won't appear until Monday. (The mod's only work office hours).


When you reply - please do NOT use the blue button with the white arrow, this is a repeat last post button! Scroll down to the empty white space, type your words there, and use the GREEN button with the word 'reply' on it. Thanks

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Hi guys. I'm new to the forum and have a problem with my class 67 tts sound chip that I've fitted inside my Bachmann class 66. It's run fine for about 6 months but now it runs well at very slow speed but then when I increase the speed to slow/moderate speed  it just stops moving but the sound continues to play as if it were still moving. Once I increase the speed to fast it shoots off. Any ideas?

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- I have moved the post.

- I don't know how you asked the mods to move it.  We do not see the 'Reported' posts.  The best way to get a Moderator to move a thread, is to add a dedicated post, suggesting that the thread is moved.  One of us will see that post and of course if it is just asking for the thread to be moved, the post can be deleted as well, without spoiling any other content.

- The mods do not just work office hours!

- The site administrator (Adam) generally works office hours.

- Thank you (and for the Blue Box sentence)

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A new one on me. Never come across this DCC70 device before. For others reading. it goes in series between a conventional DC Analogue controller and the track. Somehow it overlays the DC Analogue voltage with something that a DCC decoder can understand to allow sound functions to be controlled. Either that, or it is a basic DCC controller that is just using the DC Analogue output as its input power supply. The GM documentation is rather vague. Now obsolete. See GM info below:






What happens if you remove the DCC70 completely and restore your layout to full normal DC Analogue control. Can you now control the DCC loco movement OK using the supported default decoder 'DC Operation' function....albeit without sound functionality?


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It looks like you provide the DCC70 with a threshold voltage (3/4 max chat):from the analogue controller then this device convertes it to a pseudo DCC signsl. I presume you are controlling the lcoc speed using the DCC70 speed knob and it is likely that this is where the fault lies.


It would be interesting to put a scope on the output wires to view the waveform.


You could try adjusting the input voltage a tad either way and see if that makes any difference to the end controlled output.



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Reading the DCC70 instructions again. It looks as if this DCC70 device is fixed to ONLY control the default decoder 003 address. That is to say it can't operate any DCC fitted loco other than address 003. Hence why it has a Shift, 9,9 routine to revert any other decoder address back to 003.

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