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Decoder fault ??


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Hello Everyone, a new member here. 


I have recently obtained two digital sets (mixed goods with a Select controller) and another with an e-link controller. 

The first question I have is why don't Hornby put the model numbers of the loco's somewhere as there seems to be many many variations of the same loco's?

Secondly I have managed to programme 2 loco's into the railmaster software and can get them to move on a short test track, I am using a macbook air with a partitioned hard drive with windows 10. I boot up from whichever system I need, I have a couple of old programmes that need windows. my mac only has USB-C ports that a lot of new laptops are changing over too. But I have a 0-6-0 class 8 shunter that ran with the select control but no longer moves with the railmaster system. I can select one of the many from the list and make the ID 0005 but when I read the #1 CV its set at 255, I can change this to 0005 and write it to #1 and it changes and confirtms it but if I read it again it has reverted to 255. 


Any Ideas? it a few years old but has never been used. 




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firstly do both loco's run on the select ok 

could the 08 loco do with a clean on the wheels ,i started with this set and found the locos needed cleaning from time to time , 

using your e link send 8 to cv 8 to reset the decoder ,it will revert back to address 3 ,

it may be the ini file in railmaster needs adjusting ,others may be able offer some advice ,i know it needs a port selection but i have no knowledge of what that should be 

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Yes it does.....


Sam, if when using RM to read the CV it is returning a value of 255. This means that the 'PROG A&B' terminals  on the eLink cannot see the decoder in the loco.


Now just to cover something off that you haven't included in your posted query. You are obviously more used to using the 'Select'. Now when you you use the 'Select' to both control AND configure a loco decoder, you use the SAME physical 'Select' output. The eLink is different. You operate the loco with the layout track (your short test track) connected to the main 'TRACK A&B' output terminals. But when you want to configure the loco decoders (read & write CVs), you have to have a 'Programming' track piece (in this case your short test track piece) connected to the 'PROG A&B' terminals on the eLink. You then place the loco on the 'programming' track piece to change CVs. You then have to put the loco back on the main track output to test and control it.


My question to you is. When you were getting these 255 read values. Was your loco on a track piece connected to the eLink 'PROG A&B' output?


My second question. What track power connectors are you using? You need to use Digital DCC track power connectors either R8241 or R8242.


The DC Analogue R602 Power clip and/or the R8206 Power track should not be used unless modified for digital working. The R8206 has 'Tan' coloured buttons, whilst the R8241 DCC Power track has 'Black' buttons. To modify an Analogue power track / clip for digital working you have to remove the internal suppression capacitor. Some digital sets shipped with an Analogue power track (Tan buttons), some shipped with modified Analogue power tracks (capacitor factory removed) and some shipped with the correct DCC power track (Black buttons). The only way to be 100% sure is to open the covers and check inside for the capacitor.....see image below.




IMPORTANT INFO PLEASE READ. Whenever a newbie mentions they are just starting out with eLink. Then my first reaction is to advise that they check their 'railmaster.ini' file to ensure the most appropriate eLink entries are in it. Many newbies just accept eLink communication issues as being the norm, because they have not been advised otherwise and know no different. So if you have any problems whatsoever regarding communication issues between your eLink and RailMaster (this includes getting 255 read values), then check your .INI file. Even if you have not observed any issues, then it is still worthwhile carrying out this recommended .INI file check. You open the .INI file editor by clicking the bluish COG icon in the RM 'Help Screen'. Follow on screen prompts to open the editor. Assuming that you are using Windows 7, 8 or 10 then ensure that these two lines are at the very bottom of the file as the last two entries:


Alternative comms=1

Check controller=1


Type them in if missing, or delete them if existing higher up the file and retype them at the end of the file, then save the changes, close and re-open RM to ensure the changes take effect.


EDIT: The first half of my reply was written before I saw your follow up post with more info that infers that you have been using the eLink 'PROG A&B' output terminals for CV reading / writing. The statement about 255 meaning that RailMaster cannot see the decoder is still valid though. As is the recommendation to check your power connectors for the analogue capacitor.


TIP: As this is your first post, just be aware that the 'Blue Button with the White Arrow' is not a 'Reply to this post' button. If you want to reply, scroll down and write your reply in the reply text box at the bottom of the page and click the Green 'Reply' button.


Particularly as my reply includes an image. If you use the blue button, any reply you write, may be held back for image approval. Even though it is already a previously published image.

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apologies for not replyingh before but got caught out with the 2 posts in 24 hours rule for newbies. 

I'll try and answer in turn

William:- yes 255 in non comms as I have found out


Jane 2_Yes both locos had run on the select controller.

8 to CV8 is a reset but unfortunately it made no difference as I still could not write to the decoder.well I could bet when reading back the results were as before with a 255 default on all.

INI file has already been set in the correct manner. when setting up on windows.


Chris:- I am a complete newbie to both select and e-link and I even went bac k to select to try and chamge the ID which it said it had but nothing from the loco.

INI file had already been updated by me when trying to get coms both on my Mac running windows and another laptop which is native windows. 

The power track for both came with the sets, mixed goods came with tan buttons (original spec according to a site I found today) no capacitor fitted, second power track has green buttons and no capacitor fitted.



 I also contacted support at Rail-master.com and sent them screen shots of the error messages. several emails were exchanged and basically they all said the same thing as your'e replies suggested, then they dried up no idea why.. to be clear I programmed 3 locos last night using the same method, two accepted the write process and one didnt, this was within a few minutes on the same prog and test tracks I can still read and write to the other two locos and thats why I think the issue must be the decoder itself. 

I have now ordered a 4 pin decoder from Hattons (hornby Manufactured) and will try that. the other way I could take out the decoder from another loco and fit that but I think I will wait for the new ones arrive. I may get on to hornby and see if they can test it. 

thanks for the input tho..


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Just for info - the Select essentially programs on the main (POM) as it doesn’t have a separate prog output (as explained by Chris). This means although you can address a decoder and change accell and decell values it will not read back CV values, nor can you reset a decoder as it cannot (until v1.6) write to any CVs other than stated above.


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new decoder arrived this morning and was fitted, changed the ID number to 0005 put it on the test track and away it went. I've asked hornby if there is any way of recovering it but the service guy who I mailed went through everything that we discussed on this post before saying that it sounds like a faulty decoder.. 

now have 5 running engines all with DCC and two with sound, I've learnt a lot this last few days...

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