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New to RM - setting up a loco (TTS) for the first time.

Guest Chrissaf

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The sounds are in the decoder and what is there will play regardless of what the RM list says. The description in RM can be amended to suit what you want to call it - double toot, whistle twice, beep beep, etc.


The Steam 2 list you picked is typical of a Bachmann steam loco.

Look for the R number of the decoder or Hall TTS loco and use that.



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In RailMaster, if the function button list does not match exactly what the sound is that is being played, Then just edit the label displayed on the button. You can't change what sound the decoder actually makes, but you can change what the button label displays. There is a 'pull down' suggested choice of labels on each button. If the label you want is one in the list, then just choose that. If the one you want is not in the 'pull down' list, then just custom type your own.......simples.


Go into the 'Locomotive Settings' screen for you loco. If you then place your mouse cursor on the function button label you can edit it to say whatever you want it to say. Once you are happy with the changes just 'save the loco'  and button edits back to the database. You do not need the loco on the programming track to do this, the button labels you are editing are purely held within RailMaster.


Just note these couple of tips. Keep the descriptions short, there is a character limit on the number of characters that can be displayed. Secondly, if a sound needs to lock on. Then include the text on/off on the end of the label text. Button labels without the on/off text will play only once, like a horn or whistle for example.


PS - As this part of your thread is actually a RailMaster question, it should have ideally been placed as a new question in the RailMaster forum.

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Thanks Rob &Chris,

it makes sense now so all I need to do is type in the list as given in my TTC code list instructions, I am learning fast... I expected the drop down menu to include the same options as in the TTS paperwork. 


Sorry if its in the wrong place I was just following on from my origional post.I'll get to know eventually.


PS as far as my old and not so good hearing goes the whistles sound very similar.. so thats a result in my book, I am never going to be able to tell the difference between 2 & 4 cylinders... unless its a petrol engine.


Thanks again

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Sam put - Changed over to my Ketley Hall loco with fitted TTS and picked it out of the loco list etc went into the CV and changed the loco ID


Why did you change the loco i/d, unless it was still set to the default 003?

You do not need to change the loco i/d each time you want to use it.


As Sam seems reluctant to use punctuation, maybe I read that incorrectly?

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As far as I can make out it seems that you enter what you want in the loco set up window and save i,. but thats only saved in Railmaster it does not change the Loco ID? When you read the CV's the #1 is still set to 3 until you write the ID you want to use (they were both new loco's). Also in the CV window there is a "sum" button in blue next to the write button, pressing this seems to just display the value as entered intothe Railmaster system. 


Maybe its just me but having set the ID in loco set up, then having a button in the CV read window to change loco ID that does not change the ID is a bit misleading, maybe I expected more but The only way I can change the loco ID is to change the CV?

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Just to provide some clarity........ review the content of this post below.


When you call up your loco in the 'Locomotive Settings' screen. You will get a screen similar to this one below, but populated with the info specific to the loco (your loco) you have called up from the RailMaster database or your specific locomotive from the roster of previously configured locomotives that you have set up.


Now be aware that the Locomotive DCC ID that you write in Box A does not change the DCC ID configured in the locomotive decoder.


The function of this box is to tell RailMaster what DCC ID to use when you are using the 'throttle' associated with this loco to control the loco. If your locomotive decoder is still the factory default address, then it will have the DCC ID address 003. Thus the throttle associated with this locomotive entry will only operate it if this box also has 003 in it (note that it may just display as 3).


But you can't have all your DCC locos set as 003 because they will all operate together. So you need to give each locomotive in your roster of locomotives a uniquely different DCC ID address. So let's say for example you want to change the default 003 address to say 005.


So to do this, you write 005 into the 'Arrow A' Box to tell RailMaster that you want the RailMaster throttle of this locomotive to operate this loco using the 005 (5) address.


But you also have to tell the decoder that it has to respond to the 005 (5) address. This is where 'Arrow B' comes into play.


You place the loco onto the 'programming' track connected to the 'PROG A&B' output terminals on your RailMaster controller.


Then click the loco icon pointed at by 'Arrow B'. A configuration box similar to the one shown will appear.


Now you type the 005 address into this box too, then click the Green tick to over-write the 003 address in the decoder with the new 005 address.


Now when you put the loco back on the main track, you can use the RailMaster throttle for the address 005 locomotive to control the loco.


If this has all been done correctly, RailMaster and the loco decoder will remember the 005 address and use it the next time that RM and your layout is re-started.


If you previously had to keep changing CVs then you were doing something wrong.

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Moderator message: I did not post this original message, my tag appears against it [bug] as I moved the post here on the old forum as a moderator task.

Well it arrived today, Castle class DCC-TSS going into Hall class. Fitted easily into the tender with the aid of a couple of bits of insulating tape. 

 Instructions were glanced through, placed on Prog track, went to engine set up Picked out the right loco, created a new group after several attempts before discovering you had to use the enter key after typing the name in. Changed the loco ID to 0020, started to go through the list of DCC functions, first problem, the list does not corresspond to the TTS instructions. for example "whistle two bursts" in the menu is only whistle 1 or whistle 2, picked steam 2 under the DCC box in an attempt to get things moving. Saved all that and went into the CV read and write window, Clicked on the blue button to change train ID, it showed 0020. not really sure of the point of that button as it appears to change the loco ID you have to change CV#1 and then write it. then I looked at CV#160 to #178 and found they were all unused, I changed them all to 4 (default volume) and wrote them back. saved everything.

Moved the loco to the running track and got it moving both directions and some sounds but they are not all the same as the "F" buttons. 

Changed over to my Ketley Hall loco with fitted TTS and picked it out of the loco list etc went into the CV and changed the loco ID and wrote that to the loco. moved it over to the test track and got it all moving with the correct sounds from the "F" buttons i.e. twin burst whistle. 

The instructions sheets for the factory fitted TTS and my Hornby Castle Class TTS are for all intents and purposes exactly the same apart from the front cover, where the text at the bottom of the page differs only by Hall class or Castle class, neither sheet has a Part Number?? the same as when you buy a set there is no part number for the loco. 

Can anyone give me an idea how I can set up, for example, a double whiste blast and to find it in the menu ? so I can make the Ketley and Adderley Hall at least sing from the same song sheet, once I get it all working I will put them next to each other and compare sounnds. 

Please excuse any typo's and odd missing letter I have a new type of keyboard and am just getting used to it. 


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PS - Addendum to last post above.


Where I have written 003 and 005 above I would change those to 0003 and 0005 just to be 'belt n braces'. Addresses below 128 are termed 'short addresses' but I have found with my own RM installation that adding the leading zeros to pad the address out to four characters seems to be more reliable and give less programming errors.

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Also in the CV window there is a "sum" button in blue next to the write button, pressing this seems to just display the value as entered intothe Railmaster system.


The function of the "SUM" button has special meaning. It is used to write a 'long address' to a loco decoder. Long addresses are addressess in the range 128 to 9999. Without the 'SUM' button a 'long address' would require changing 3 different CVs (CV17, CV18 & CV29). The 'SUM' button writes to all of the 3 CVs for you by just entering the long address you want to configure in the 'SUM' dialogue box. When you first open the 'SUM' box it just displays the address that is currently set. Only the DCC ID short addresses (001 to 127) are held in CV1.


For others reading this reply. The 'SUM' button /media/tinymce_upload/ae5c91e9df5c865ad4d90a58d24c8d27.jpg is located on the main CV Reading / Writing screen opened by clicking the " i " icon just to the right of my Arrow B.


To be fair, all of the info I have given in all my posts above is included in the RailMaster manual, but I do agree that it is not an easy read and may not be documented to the same level of detail as my replies and posts.

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The RailMaster software is not exactly the most intuitive thing.


It takes a while to realise that when reading CVs, the green tick reads them, the red cross closes the screen. Just one example of many horrible UI issues. This type of navigation hasn't been used since the 90's.


It's my opinion that a full UI redesign is required. Until then, we'll all clunk away...



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