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No sounds forthcomming from new R1125 Loco [using RM]

Guest Chrissaf

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I think you will find that the R1125 has no sound (unless it has been modified by installing a sound Decoder).

WTD is absolutely correct, the sound would come from the Loco, if it had a suitable Sound Decoder fitted.

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Somerset Belle whilst digital is not sound equipped.

The sounds you speak about in RM will only be heard via your PC speakers if invoked by a program that also runs the engine. Try running the sample programs in the pull down at top of screen for examples.

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Just set up my first loco (R1125). Runs fine round track and buttons  to produce selected sound

seems to function regarding latching and set  time. But no sound is forthcomming! I am using Windows10 64bit platform and have tried sound both from laptop speaker and plugin mic. 

Have also tried setting up the sounds using the macro (P10~F2) as discribed in the Guide..Failure!

With Railmaster disconnected I can hear the *wav files in the RailMaster folder Ok using File Manager, so I know they are there.

It seems to me that RailMaster is unable to address the *wav files in Windows10?

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The WAV files in the RailMaster folder have nothing whatsoever to do with playing locomotive sounds. They are ambient sounds that can be played. Typically 'Station Announcements' in the main. To play these sounds in RailMaster you create a 'program' that strings together a selection of the WAV file sounds to play sequentially. Thus you have an element of customisability to create your own Station announcements.


By default, there is an example program in the pulldown program list called 'Station Announcements'. If you open this program in the program editor you can see how it was written in the example and use that as a 'learning example' to write your own.


As other's have said. The Macro functions which are part of setting up the loco function sound buttons, requires a loco to be fitted with a DCC 'sound decoder'. Only then, can you play locomotive sounds. Which will come from the associated speaker located inside the loco as part of the 'sound decoder' installation. These Macros have got absolutely nothing to do with the included .WAV files in RailMaster.


Just touching back on the RailMaster WAV files for a moment. As just stated, the included WAV files are predominantly 'Station Announcements', but there is nothing to stop you recording your own sounds or downloading them from the internet in .WAV file format. Any of these 'home made' WAV file sounds (which could be locomotive engine sounds and whistles etc) can be saved to the RailMaster sound folder and included in a written program to play them. If you have RailMaster Pro edition, then you can place an icon on the track plan, that when clicked runs the 'program' configured to that icon. If that program is one of the sound playing ones you create, then clicking that icon will run the program and play the sounds.


It seems to me that RailMaster is unable to address the *wav files in Windows10?


RailMaster certainly can play these sounds in Windows 10, it's just that you are not configuring RailMaster up correctly to play them.......you have to create a 'program' as described above. See the comment above about using the program editor as a 'How To' learning example.




The 'yellow highlight' in the image above shows the pull down 'program list' where the 'Station Announcement' example program is listed. The 'Stop Watch' icon between the loco and the triangle is the 'Program Editor' tool.


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