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Railmaster and TTS Sound Van R6888

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Set it up as a normal loco with an address then populate the function list by typing in the descriptions per the user manual list not forgetting on/off for the looped sounds.

You will have to truncate some of the descriptions as there is a fairly short field length limit in the function list.

Annoyingly RM v1.70 which is out soon will list R6888T with the correct descriptions, unfortunately we do not know how soon soon is.

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Why cannot the locos and their data be in a seperate lookup file used by the main program. Then Hornby could update this file as new products are issued, thereby avoiding the extraordinary long periods between updates of the main program.

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You can always take a look in the locos and resources folders to see if your errant loco is there.


You can also download the very latest latent revision prior to any running session as well.


Unfortunately everyone wants ‘their’ new loco to pop up as if by magic without realising the logistics of running a business and resourcing a product to make these events occur instantly. Unfortunately there is also a real world where I live with reasonable expectations. If my loco isn’t there then tough, I just have to knife and fork it in myself.

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During the RailMaster start up, if you totally focus on the blue/green 'program icon' (highlighted below). Then you may occasionally spot a 'message' that appears very briefly in a flash to the right of the blue/green icon square as the icon flashes. The text message says something along the lines of 'downloading update file' or something similar. I stress that this message does not show every time RM starts. HRMS have stated on more than one occasion that the loco database file does indeed get updated occasionally in-between formal RM application revision updates. I have seen this message myself, so I know it happens sometimes.



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