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DCC auto-progress fiddle yard


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Your not far off my thinnking at the bottom pf page 2 Ray.


The special track pieces will need to be isolated from the rest of the layout (IRJ's).




These wouldn't be physical trackpieces on your layout, but icon trackpieces on the RM layout mimic diagram. In fact, having thought about it a little more, the LD sensor icon could be where the DCC address of the triggering loco is held, the sensor could be made to "snap" into position on an existing trackpiece, and that trackpiece would be the one which changes colour when a loco DCC address is stored in the sensor. As well as changing colour, maybe the DCC address of the loco could be displayed near the sensor or trackpiece.



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Even better. They don't snap at the moment - which clearly limits their usefullness in this scenario - and means the special track piece can be placed anywhere within the layout rather than having to physically fit.


I like the idea of the loco ID also displaying in an "occupied" block and makes your idea even more useful and dynamic for Rob's requirement.


I forsee a major re-write of RM - want a job?



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This block track would act no different to a point really, except a point has its data held in the buttons whereas this would have its data held in the block. Again as Fishy said RM would have no spacial (x,y) location for such an active part but it knows what to do with it when it is triggered by something else.


This is very similar to the way Rocrail does it (See below). The block (here numbered 01-04, which is occupied) changes colour to show occupation status and the loco ID (here it is EO3) is shown as well as an arrow to indicate block active direction. Note there are feedback sensors either side of the block to tell of In and Out activity and for bi-directional use.



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After a spot of lunch, and a bit more contemplation, how about this ....


While RM is running, it holds what I would call "transient" data for various items such as points, signals and locos. By this I mean data which changes as the RM session progresses. For example, for a loco, transient data would be everything you see on the large throttle - speed, direction, and the status of each function. An extra piece of transient data which could be held for a loco could be the address of the last sensor which it triggered. So if the loco triggers another sensor, RM could use the "old" sensor address to zeroise that sensor's loco address (thus making that sensors block vacant), before storing the newly triggered sensor address in the loco's data. I'm moving to the realisation that each sensor could be directly related 1:1 with a "block" of track. And it follows that each loco can only be in one block at any time. Of course, it would be extremely helpful if RM could store all of the "block" information at the end of a RM session, so that it could hit the ground running at the start of the next session.


However, I would still like to see the LD system accessible from RM programs. This would involve the introduction of conditional statements which could cause the program to perform different sets of actions depending on the condition of block occupancy, as described above, as well as on simpler things such as the aspect of a signal or the direction of a point.



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See here for a little light reading, https://wiki.rocrail.net/doku.php mostly in the automatic operations - block area. There is a demo you can load and work with a virtual controller so as to see and better understand the logic.


The Enter sensor is ahead of the block and In sensor is after the block, but really integral parts of the block. Passing the Enter sensor causes the loco to slow and stop if that block is listed for the route (if routingbis used) else it zips through. I think you can rely on decoder set decell rate or apply a block programmed rate. Long time since I read about it.


Once the In sensor is triggered the block shows as occupied.


I wonder if Hornby LD kit will work with Rocrail as they support everything known to man, except eLink. when  i get my main PC back I will give it a go with Select and SelectaLink cable.

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Strewth Rob - that's heavy going for a chap before tea time! Seem to be getting a lot of "ghost" occupations! Have logged out - will have a cuppa - and try again when I feel stronger.



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Well done Rog. i shall be asking questions later.


More info here about basic shuffle methodology



With this expanding the picture to a full storage yard by waynof some coding after it has been translated.



I am assuming that the intent of the staging block can be fed into and in lieu of blocks 2-6 in the full yard scenario.

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