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RailMaster Version 1.70 now available on the download link

Guest Chrissaf

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I think an 'infected' statement is a bit over the top. My AV just poilitely suggests that railmaster.exe is an unknown file from an unknown source. I suggest your AV is being over extreme and giving a 'false positive'.


The linked file in Rob's post is directly from the Hornby Railmaster support website.....it is not from some dubious third party shareware software site.


The same file is contained within the ZIP file in Rob's earlier clickable link. Being a ZIP file and not an EXE file might make your AV less cautious about it.


Did you really mean to say 1.68 as your current version....have you not previously upgraded to 1.69.2........1.69.2 was far more stable in my view than 1.68.......since your upgrade policy appears to be very strict......then I suggest you don't install a 1.70.1 Beta file anyway and wait for the official 1.70.2 should it get released later.


Just to show...I have just downloaded the railmaster.exe file from the posted link and scanned it manually with my ESET Anti-virus. It comes up clean as a whistle. ESET is a market leading AV software house for Businesses.



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As a elink and windows 10 user.

Bypassed Anti Virus

No handshake errror and loaded,

However nothing worked so no comminication

AC = 1

Loaded and worked until a constant loss of controller error message. Started a loco but could not stop it.

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As a elink and windows 10 user.

Bypassed Anti Virus

No handshake errror and loaded,

However nothing worked so no comminication

AC = 1

Loaded and worked until a constant loss of controller error message. Started a loco but could not stop it.

Suggest you contact Railmaster support , had similar problems ie no handshake, followed there recommendations and link is able to work if I  set the settings in railmaster to elite. They tell me that's impossible but it is happening.

After a week still not sorted awaiting there latest reply.

You are not alone with this problem!

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If you have previously downloaded updates from the top of page link then take a look in your downloads folder for a previous version of raimaster.exe.


If you did not delete old versions then new versions will download as raimaster.exe (1)    (2)    (3) etc with the latest being the highest bracketed number. Look at the properties (right click) each older version until you find the one you want and install as usual under Admin rights (again right click).


If all your earlier updates have been from within RM then you cannot regress without having the older file.

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If I have understood Rob's suggestion correctly, then the file is likely to be called rm_setup(n).exe and not railmaster(n).exe.


For those who want or need to regress back to RM v1.69.2 but did not archive the original installer file. I really must stress that it is good practice to download and archive the installer of stable RM versions to cover for situations such as this.


Here is a link to my own 1.69.2 archived installer. The file will need to be unZipped to extract the .exe file. My cloud service will not allow .exe files to be uploaded natively unless in a ZIP.




When the web page opens, click the file name in the top left hand corner to download. Once unZipped, just right click the .exe file and choose 'Run as administrator'. You do not need to uninstall the 1.70.1 version first.



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I downloaded and overwritten railmaster.exe (beta/working copy?) at the link indicated by #RAF96.


As launched, it passed the same controller handshake issue, no communication with COM4/e-link.

As under WinXP running, I changed AC=1 to AC=0 in .ini file, just to test if something changes, and, at RM start, it follows a "new-for-me" procedure that suggest to:

1) unplug the controller and unpower e-link;

2) power up e-link, with a countdown;

3) replug usb, with a countdown


Then it starts a procedure on screen signaling:

1) initializing controller, with a forced shutdown/restart of e-link (green led off and on);

2) point settings startup;

few seconds...

3) error no communication with controller, with restart of check comm procedure above written.

This goes on in any way I try: unplug e-link before start RM, voluntary changed COM ports in Windows and in RM, or changing to Elite in controller selection (got only an e-link).

Reverted to 1.69 and reverted to AC=1 it works fine.


I also noticed that under Win10/RMVer1.70.1, when starting RM it all goes fine with comms, but the firing of points at start to "default position", it all happens in 1/2 secs for all points fired, instead of 1 sec that usually takes for fire each point motor.

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Those of you using RailMaster 1.70.x who are having eLink connection problems, please copy the RailMaster executable file from www.rail-master.com/railmaster.exe into your C:Program Files (x86)RailMaster folder, overwriting the existing one, then ensure the line "Alternative comms=1" is present in your RailMaster.ini file (which you can edit by clicking on the small cog symbol within the Help/About window).

Please report your findings either here or directly to our support team at support@rail-master.com

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Readers and affected users of this issue would be well advised to report any findings on the new software version 1.70.2 that Chrissaf is reporting on in the following NEWER thread...




as this older version (1.70 revision 0) has been removed as a downloadable link and replaced with the new version. This effectively makes this thread, unless you really feel it absolutely necessary to report anything here, obsolete. Adding any information here now though could be lost in context as most reports will inevitably find their own way to the new thread.

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  • 2 months later...

Good Morning, Updated my system with 1.70 on 11/6/2019 (windows 10pc) Had movement on locos but no light functions.Installed RM on an old windows 7 laptop, all was good until  I updated 1.70 - no lights no movement. On both systems comm ports internet security and windows firewall all checked out. Over the past 2 days I have removed and re installed RM taking each update 1 by 1 on both systems. Both run fine until update 1.70 is installed. The install causes communication failure with e-link.All decoders are Hornby and 3 Bachman. Models across the board Hornby Bachmann Vitrains Lima converts.I'm at a loss. Any suggestions would be very welcomeBest wishes 19Dave62

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Hi Dave welcome to the forum

If you look at many of the previous 19 pages of this thread you will see that there have been problems with ver sion 1.70

You need to go to the top of the Railmaster page and download from the 1.70.2 link.

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A more intensive search of the forum would have found pages and pages of text devoted to the 1.70 update issue. The solution that has been shown to resolve the majority of user issues is documented in my reply (3rd one down on this page):




Follow my guidance in the thread above and I feel confident that your problem will be resolved too. In particular, the reference to changing the "Reset eLink on start" .INI file entry seems to fix most users 'RM to eLink' communications problems.


For future reference. There is absolutely no need to do an uninstall of RM to fix problems. In fact to do so may create more problems than they fix, particularly if you don't follow the 'de-registration' process first. The RM installer is so basic that it allows you to just run the installer over the top of an existing installation without issue, it is so basic it doesn't even protest (like modern applications might do) if you are downgrading the installation to an earlier revision. Nearly all RM issues can be fixed by making changes to the configuration settings within RM and these changes are usually documented as they arise as issues in this forum, it is extremely rare that a complete 'uninstall / install' cycle is needed to fix RM problems.


I have been working with the foibles of RM for quite a few years, unfortunately issues in new version releases are common. Too common, but fixes are usually created by HRMS within a few days. The further complication is that these HRMS fixes usually need manual installation and are not installed automatically by RM. So I advise that when you see RM report that a new version is available, that you choose temporarily to decline the offer and check back on this forum to see if there are any issue reports first. I check the revision status of RM daily and report back in this forum when a new version has been detected.


HRMS = Hornby RailMaster Support, is a third party company not owned by Hornby who are contracted by Hornby to create, develop and support the RailMaster software application.


TIP: As this is your very first post, just be aware that the 'Blue Button with the White Arrow' is not a 'Reply to this post' button. If you want to reply to any of the posts, scroll down and write your reply in the reply text box at the bottom of the page and click the Green 'Reply' button.


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I agree with Norman. This subject has been done to death. All the necessary information is well covered on the forum and the application is now fairly stable and reliable If you adopt that advice.

The link at page top will download the very latest version regadless of what the words say about it. HRMS has an odd way of keeping configuration control and updates can be covert and/or have the same apparent revision/version number as the previous version, whilst providing improvements.

I have gotten into the habit of downloading from the link every week regardless.

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HI All Just got the new up on the Elink But have a problem when the Elink short out i do not get the tick to restars. and have to shut down then rey boot up then all good so what going on never had this problem before. Thank Ron.

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