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RailMaster Version 1.70 now available on the download link

Guest Chrissaf

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In the meantime, Ive found a much easier way to get a connection without all the switching com ports.


Remove the elink cable from the usb and then open RM. Once loaded it will advise that it cant find the DCC controller and ask you to remove and replace the usb cable. At this point plug in the usb and RM connects immediately with no issues. 



That way works for me too!

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Thanks for the feedback which is helpful. The fact that you are using WinXP really helps narrowing it down to the software.


Im using Win7 and obviously as WinXP is no longer supported, an update from Microsoft cant be the cause.


Hopefully RAF will be able to confirm that this has worked for him as well




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Hopefully RAF will be able to confirm that this has worked for him as well


I’m using a Select-a-Link beta test cable so there is no spare to swap out with and I have tried plugging it in before and after powering up the Select and RM and the result is the same.


My main problem was it would connect, then drop out, do this twice, then the failed handshake flag kicked in and it went unresponsive.


I will make some time tomorrow to try varying the plug in sequence with eLInk and Elite controllers.





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I apologise if this question has been raised earlier in the thread, and I have missed it, but has anyone noticed an increase in the number of files in their Railmaster folder? In my case, the number of files in that folder on my pc has risen (I believe since installing v1.70 a week ago) from around 1100 or so, to over 7000  😮


It is probably more noticeable on my pc than a lot of people's because I have created over the years a great number of Railmaster programs. What has caused this sudden rise in number of files is this little item mentioned in the Release Notes file...


+Automatic data backups when exiting now backs up up to seven days


It appears that, since installation, each day RM has been creating a new set of backup files. The names of these files are, for example, xxxxxxxxx.xxx Monday.bak. It appears to be backing up all .prg .pln and .mdb. So at the moment, I have...

577 .Monday.bak files

795 .Tuesday.bak files

824 .Wednesday.bak files

940 .Thursday.bak files

940 .Friday.bak files

940 .Saturday.bak files

941 .Sunday.bak files


5957  Total .bak files



My questions are...


1. Is this facility optional ?

2. Is it controllable ?

3. Is it configurable ?


In my opinion, backup is a good thing, as long as it is controlled. Could a choice not have been given to the user as to where the files are backed up - an external networked drive, for example, or even OneDrive. Within the same folder as the original isn't very helpful if the whole hard disk crashes. The number of files in the RM folder could also have a detrimental effect on the operation of the system, taking longer to locate files in the RM folder. Also, a file should only be backed up when its content changes i.e. when its date last saved changes from the one backed up. In my case, the Monday files are probably the same in content as all the other days. I've changed very few of my programs in the last week.


Comments please?



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Since the old backup button (RailMasterPro) gives you the option to place the backups in a different location (folder and/or drive). I see no reason why this feature would not still work with the seven days worth of Bak files.


But that said, I would assume that the auto-generated Bak files would still be duplicated in the main program folder as well......since the Pro back-up feature is I assume a manually invoked process.


Even the 'Standard' edition generated the Bak files, one just had to copy them manually somewhere else if you wanted extra protection. In my case (RM Standard Edition) I created a BAT file to provide an element of automation (manually invoked) to copy the BAK files elsewhere. In essence, my BAT file performed a similar function to the 'Back up' feature included in ProPack.

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Happy to say that I have now solved the RM to eLink connection handshake issues that I have been having since the V1.70 update recently.


Long story short, it turned out to be my laptop that was the problem and I found this out as my daughter happened to call round this evening and had her Windows 10 laptop with her.


I loaded RM onto her laptop and it connected to my elink straight away. I then tried reconnecting numerous times with no problems whatsoever.


I noticed that I was connected to usb 3.0 on her laptop so went to the HP website and found a usb 3.0 firmware download available for my probook which I downloaded and installed and this appears to have solved the problem.


I will email HRMS to make them aware that the issue is now resolved in my case.


Thanks to everyone who has helped with this issue.




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Hi Chris,


Sadly, I failed miserably to make my point clearly. Prior to 1.70, the backup facility in ProPack has been an optional extra, and the user had control over to where the files were backed up. With 1.70, this backup process seems to occur automatically each time RM is closed down. Here are the last few lines of todays logfile...

14/03/19 21:22:36 Stopping all timers

14/03/19 21:22:36 Backing up data (resource, language, groups)

14/03/19 21:22:36 Backing up plan files

14/03/19 21:22:36 Backing up program files

14/03/19 21:22:55 Closing down RailMaster

Notice that it took 19 seconds from the start of the backup to the closedown. Now it would be ok to be made automatic, but it also needs to be optional and configurable as to backup destination.



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I can only comment on RM Standard Edition as that is the one I use. But my standard edition has always run a 'make back up file' routine when closing down. But without any control whatsoever where they were saved or whether to enable or disable the feature. From what you have explained it seems that the only difference in ProPack V1.70, apart from the optional manual save feature, is that the closing down 'back up' routine now makes a seven day rolling backup history.


Personally, I can't see any advantage at all for doing this. Except perhaps for users like yourself who make very extensive use of the 'Program' function. Users like myself who just use RM as a basic controller with a stable track plan and loco roster would end up with seven days worth of backups that were all the same.


So yes....I do agree that some level of user configuration would be useful......particularly if this more complicated close down backup routine takes longer to complete.


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I noticed that I was connected to usb 3.0 on her laptop so went to the HP website and found a usb 3.0 firmware download available for my probook which I downloaded and installed and this appears to have solved the problem.



For me is not the same, as my usb port are all 2.0 on winXP


Indeed something changed in the com management in RM ver 1.70, because previous version 1.69 worked quite well with com ports.


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Thanks for the update, but it has been well known that eLink and USB3.0 can be problematic. HRMS have always recommended using a USB2.0 port if one is available. This, of course, is getting more difficult as new PCs and Laptops come onto the market with only USB3.0 ports on them (which are supposed to be USB2.0 backward compatible, but obviously it would seem not 100% in all cases).



Could it be that your USB2.0 drivers on your XP are now so long in the tooth that something has changed in the RM 1.70 USB handling that is trying to take advantage of some USB code now considered as standard in modern USB drivers, but which is not part of your out of date XP USB drivers. If this was the case, then it is odd that not more users have reported issues with 1.70 as there are still a lot of users on here still using old XP laptops for dedicated RM use.



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I concur the 7 day back up occurs on AM version and has filled my RM folder with .BAK files x 7 days for all pln, prg and other file types including all the demo plans and programs and sounds - silly in my opinion. As RDS says the backup should be incrementatal over 7 days then maybe a fresh set on day 1 again.


I have downloaded RM v1.70.1 as of today and will check with Elite, eLink and Select on USB2 port COM3 and then report back later.


All drivers have been requested to update and all said I had the best one already.

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I've just found an old log file which has the following entries...


12/10/18 16:58:36 Backing up data (resource, language)

12/10/18 16:58:36 Backing up plan files

12/10/18 16:58:37 Backing up program files

12/10/18 16:58:40 Closing down RailMaster


I hadn't realised that this was being done in the older versions. It is only now that the volume of backup files has been multiplied by 7 that it has become obvious. But I still say that it should be optional and configurable.



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All drivers have been requested to update and all said I had the best one already.


In my experience, that is usually the case if doing the check from within Windows Device Manager. However, it is not unusual to find that there is indeed a later driver available if you go directly to the 'support pages / driver download' section of the website of your PC / Laptop manufacturer and compare the driver version numbers and release dates to those installed. Not all (manufacturers) updated drivers find their way into the MS Windows driver repository. In some cases, drivers in the Windows repository are Microsoft's own version and not the manufacturers original version and can be subtlety different.


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Could it be that your USB2.0 drivers on your XP are now so long in the tooth that something has changed in the RM 1.70 USB handling that is trying to take advantage of some USB code now considered as standard in modern USB drivers, but which is not part of your out of date XP USB drivers. If this was the case, then it is odd that not more users have reported issues with 1.70 as there are still a lot of users on here still using old XP laptops for dedicated RM use.



Checked on Win10 desktop and no comms issue, even the HH app works fine. So, I think my winxp machine would not be anymore suitable for RM, unless using tricks to make it recognize the elink com port.

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Well that was a long day so far....


My laptop is now so up to date it is busting, The only new files I found - after ages comparing what was available and applicable to me and versus what I already had - were Recovery Manager and Bios. both installed although I hate doing Bios updates, 'cos if it fails you are in trouble.


Earlier testing was using both v1.69.2 and v1.70.1 and both were giving the same results with Elite and eLink - i.e. dropped comms but with control available whilst it was re-connecting, else no control. Dropped comms was in a loop popping up every 20-30 seconds.


In the end I amended the ini file as per Chris's oft repeated advice to put certain lines at the end and it worked. Why I have no idea, but eLink and Elite are connected and stable. Of interest when dropping back a revision the ini file keeps the updated ini full controller = x statement and there is a flag to say RM is ignoring it in any earlier revs.

ini file screen grab:



Regardless of all that my normal startup method of cranking up the Hornby kit before opening RM now seems to work OK again.

I reckon the problem may be the new line about full controller = is displacing the critical last lines.


I may call it quits for today and have a go with the Select tomorrow.

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I've managed to find time to try a few things to test the update with regard to Train Tech signals. I'm pleased to report that, when altering the settings for one signal, I'm now able to chose "amber" from within "Other Points/Signals" area for the next (three-aspect)  signal down the line. This was usually not possible before this version as only red or green were available. Lots more to play with here!

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Am I missing something here or just being a bit thick.

I don't understand computers so talk of static IPs, ping tests, Comms, ini files etc don't mean a great deal. Fortunately I can follow the clear instructions on here to cure glitches.


What I don't understand is that RM worked under version 1.69 and not under version 1.70, by reinstalling 1.69 without changing any settings RM works again. To me this says that 1.70 has messed up big time but no one seems to want to hold their hand up or sort the problem. Are they just waiting for this forum to come up with a solution.


Hornby publicity department must be pulling their hair out, they spent time and money on a series of two page adverts to promote RM only for a new version to make it unworkable. Any new customers will try it ,find it doesn't work and dump it. They may not be aware of this forum or have access to an earlier working version.


I think it is time for HRMS or Hornby to get their act together and post some answers

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I can understand your frustration.

What particular part of RM 1.70 is now not working for you?......you haven't said.


Unfortunately RailMaster has never been particularly 'Plug n Play' (it was, and still is, written for Windows XP using Visual Basic 6 which is now obsolete) and needed a certain amount of user computer literacy to get it optimised for later Windows OS versions such as 7, 8 & 10.


I can't even remember the last time that HRMS released a new version of RM that didn't take a number of amended reiterations to get the freshly introduced bugs ironed out.


Have you been following this thread in as much as noticing that the version currently available today on the download link is not the same version that was originally released on the 7th March. Updated versions were subsequently released on 9th March, then again a few hours later on the 9th March, followed by the current version on the 11th March. If you upgraded prior to 11th March, then download and run the current installer again. Important that you 'right click' the downloaded installer file and choose the 'Run as administrator' option. Just overwrite the currently installed version, you do not need to 'uninstall' the earlier version first.


The original 7th March version was 'buggy' but most of them have been ironed out by the 11th March version. These updated versions are not detected for 'automatic' installation and have to be installed manually by the user.


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Thanks for the reply. I have posted a couple of problems on here and on the HH thread. The last version I tried was revision 1 but this had handshake problems.  At present I am laying track and setting up a track plan for which I need e-link to work. The only reason I tried 1.70 was to see if the handheld app works as this would make setting up slightly easier but it was unreliable. For now I will stay with 1.69 and maybe when work on the layout is finished I will try updating again.

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Thank you for your attention to this and the tip-off re the 11th March version. How do HRMS expect their customers to be aware of these updates if they're not offered automatically? Most, who do not avidly follow threads like this one, will presumably go on struggling with the inherent bugs for months until there is another "major" update which is offered automatically. I will now go and install the new version on both of my laptops.


Thanks again, Chris!


PS I just noticed that the date next to the link to the update at the top of this forum states it's "Updated 08-03-19". Needs changing?

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That date shown on the forum relates to the date that Adam updated the RM version number displayed on the forum page i.e the 1.70 bit. It does not represent the date of the software itself. For example, the web page was amended on the 8th March, hence the 8th March date showing. But the RM software that was on that link, at that time, on the 8th March was the original 7th March release.


Most, who do not avidly follow threads like this one, will presumably go on struggling with the inherent bugs for months until there is another "major" update which is offered automatically.


What normally happens, is that it is expected by HRMS that users with issues (who do not follow this forum) will report them via the inbuilt RM 'support request' feature and not just battle on trying to work around the issue or regrade back to the earlier version (which they can only do if they have had the presence of mind to save the earlier installer).


If HRMS recognise the user reported issue as being one they have fixed in a later (non Automatic update release), then they reply to the user telling them to download the new version from the server and manually install it. The user then thinks (incorrectly) that HRMS have produced a fix specifically for them.......oh what good guys support are and so responsive too...... is then left in the mind of the user.


I agree with you, every change however slight should trigger an auto-update detection. But unfortunately it doesn't......this is why I continue to monitor and check the current download version each and every single day and report my findings on this forum if I find a newer version.


PS - There is no guarantee that the 11th March version will fix issues that your RM is experiencing (if any). The 11th March release, as far as I am aware, only added the TTS Vent Van Function button labels that users were reporting as being missing. There are some uses (but not many) still reporting comms and HH issues even with the 11th March release. Given that there have not been any further updates since 11th March (8 days ago now), I am not expecting to see any further updates in the near future, unless HRMS release a further fix later for outstanding reported issues that are currently being more difficult to find and fix.


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Got it!


I have to say the support guys generally are pretty responsive. I was sending test service messages from within RM when trying to sort out the comms issues I still have with their secure servers and had a response to each one even though it was clear they were test messages. The guy who runs our Internet service here in Spain is on holiday on Mauritius(!). It seems to be an issue with FTP being blocked somewhere and he's the one to sort if out if it can be sorted!



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I can't send reports to HRMS and they can't email me! I would've given up trying to report all the problems I found with Train-Tech signals anyway.



So, how does one know what version one is downloading & installing - the install file always seems to be called just rm_setup.exe? Surely the version number on the Forum header page should be changed to 1.70, 1.70.1, etc to reflect what's actually there, even if the date can't be changed.

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