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Vent Van [R6888TTS] - Basic Programming Problems

Guest Chrissaf

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R 6888TTS Vent Van with Sound

After purchasing the above item I have managed to add the Vent Van to the locomotive roster but cannot progress any further as listed below.

When I select the appropriate Van it appears on the list of locomotives as

” 0100 BR 10T Vent Van 0 Blank 0.”  

Note I have left both speed settings as 0 and not included it in a group – as it is unpowered and I will want to use it across all groups

When ‘the van’ is highlighted the sound functions are listed but the Test Function does not work – no sounds are heard when pressing the speaker symbol regardless of whether the the function is ticked despite the volume being set at 67%.

I have also had a query/error message “You have specified functions which you have not set to appear on the locomotive controller. You can set up to six functions to appear. Are you sure you want to continue?” What does this mean.

When I go to locomotive settings “i” Railmaster cannot read the CV setting for locomotive address or to read CVs 160 – 190 it ‘could not verify’.

Is this because the lack of weight of the van means it is invisible to Railmaster – although it is on the programming track?

Suggestions please


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I have also had a query/error message “You have specified functions which you have not set to appear on the locomotive controller. You can set up to six functions to appear. Are you sure you want to continue?”

What does this mean?


There are two throttles associated with a loco (in this case your R6888TTS van). The small throttle and the large throttle. Now in all probability, you will be using the large throttle in 'full controller' mode when operating the van as you will want to see all functions up to F28. But RailMaster still needs to populate the function button display on the small throttle. This is what the reference to the 'six functions' in your error message relates to. In the list of functions (loco settings window) there should be a check box that you can tick for each individual function. Basically, you choose the six (six only) that are likely to be the ones that you use more often (your favourites). You tick the check boxes of the six that you choose. It will be these six functions that will then appear on your small throttle.


....and not included it in a group – as it is unpowered and I will want to use it across all groups.


Just for info. Any loco (this includes your R6888TTS Van) can belong to more than one group. So if you want it to be available, regardless of which group of locos that you have loaded. Then just add the van individually to each group that you have configured.


When I go to locomotive settings “i” RailMaster cannot read the CV setting for locomotive address or to read CVs 160 – 190 it ‘could not verify’.


It would appear that RM cannot detect the presence of the van on the programming track. Obviously, potentially a faulty van or more likely a poor electrical connection to wheels and track (see Postscript below). If you look at the underside of the van you may see the wheel pickup tags. I suggest that you obtain a short pair of general purpose wires that are terminated one end with small crocodile clips. Use the crocodile clips to attach the wires to these exposed van pickup tags (van off the track and lying on side or upside down in a foam cradle) thereby eliminating the wheels from the DCC data signal path.


     Crocodile clip



This Vent Van image taken from Rob's (RAF96) post elsewhere on this forum. This image shows the other (top) side of the chassis pickup arrangement.



Then disconnect your programming track from your controller and connect the other end of these van wires to the 'Prog A&B' controller terminals instead. Either RM will now see the TTS decoder with this directly wired connection or it will not. If it doesn't, then suspect that the TTS decoder is faulty.


When ‘the van’ is highlighted the sound functions are listed but the Test Function does not work – no sounds are heard when pressing the speaker symbol regardless of whether the the function is ticked despite the volume being set at 67%.


Not something I have experimented with (using the sound preview button). It is more likely that the sound preview feature is not working because of the same issue that is causing your van not to be recognised by RM on the 'Prog' track for reading / writing CVs. If RM can't see the decoder, then it cannot tell the van to play the sound in 'preview' mode.



Since so many users are reporting programming issues with these Vans. Then it seems logical to me to assume that the wheels of the Van will have some form of protective oil residue on them from the manufacturing process. Therefore in the same way that the 'running in' of locos is recommended, then I can see an advantage in hauling the van behind a loco for 20 minutes in each direction, before attempting to configure it, to allow the protective oils to be worn away and the pickups to bed in to the backs of the wheels.


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Hi Chris

THanks for the information -

Is it worth trying to clean the wheels with Isopropyl Alcohol to remove any residue.

I can see the 'pick ups' touching the van wheels underneath the chassis - would it be practical to use crocodile clips to 'grip' pick up and wheel. Also should the connections be made to both side of same axle or opposite sides of both axles.

Do not have any crocodile clips to hand but can visit Rapid Electronics.to get some


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Also should the connections be made to both side of same axle or opposite sides of both axles.


Opposite sides of the axle that has the pickups touching the wheels.


I can see the 'pick ups' touching the van wheels underneath the chassis - would it be practical to use crocodile clips to 'grip' pick up and wheel.


It might be.....I don't have a vent van to look at. I have to rely on the pictures posted on this forum and the Internet.


Is it worth trying to clean the wheels with Isopropyl Alcohol to remove any residue.


Won't do any harm, but I think a 'running in' session as per my postscript will have far more effect in bedding in the electrical pickups.

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Early VVs had only one solder tag as shown in my earlier picture in Chris’s post. This was located inside instead of outside. On the fixed production models both vus bars have tags which will be bent inwards at 45 degrees like this (below) for better access to solder to bus wires if required. The tag at the left end end of each bus bar below is connected to the decoder socket again per my earlier photo right hand end.



Or you can scrape the paint off the busbars and solder direct...


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“You have specified functions which you have not set to appear on the locomotive controller. You can set up to six functions to appear. Are you sure you want to continue?”

If Chrissaf help does not work try this.

Scroll down the Function list to the last three. ie F26,F27 and F28. You will probably find then blank. Set each one to "Not Used" from the scroll down list and then save. 

When Rail Master added these extra Functions I don't think they populated them.

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