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What class 43 HST sound decoder have I got?

Ducking Giraffe

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So sometimes I just get a bee in my bonnet and just have to have something. Usually go too far. So the 2 Evening stars AND a  black 9f. So the 3 Mk1 Eurostars. And the 2 APTs. 

This time it was the R2701 centre drive class 43 HST in corporate blue. For some reason I HAD to have one, clearly trying to recreate the 1970s. Regretted not getting it on ebay at £180. At last it came up again, this time with three latest version coaches, obviously the rest of the internet was looking the other way that day, a snip at £160.

Seemed a bit sluggish on DC so I thought I try a service. Popped the bonnet up and it was like finding a spider inside - well blow me down with a feather, not only a DCC chip inside but a speaker too!

Gassed up the guagemaster DCC controller and got this:

f1 startup
f2 2 tone horn
f3 two tone horn (the other way)
f4 wheel squeal
f11 door slam
f12 bell
f13 whistle
f14 internal guards beep?

So that rules out TTS I think, I'm begining to wonder if it's even the right loco sound. 

Here’s a photo, as you can see its heat shrink wrapped which is why I asked the question!



/media/tinymce_upload/d9f8b09cc4b9a586b0ff06eb07774cb8.jpgCan anyone tell me what chip this might be?

God alone knows how the speaker goes back in, just won't fit, but that's another problem.

Thanks for your help

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Hi everybody thank you soooo much for all your helpful replies.

I've tried reading the CV8 value - the obvious solution now that you mention it - but nothing's coming back so far  but will persevere and let you know! 

Surely if it was TTS  the sounds would correspond to the class 43 TTS decoder instructions that I downloaded? That is what threw me, thinking probably not TTS and if it was, not a class 43!   

I have no idea how the speaker will fit back, it's like one of those xmas puzzles that you take apart and then can't get back together. Reaches for the Black and Decker powerfile...

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The decoder looks to be too small for a TTS.

if you notch the speaker casing it should fit that chassis step, then seal it with blak-tak for best accoustics.


Edit - maybe the speaker will stand on its side.

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Thanks for that. 

I eventually got a reading back, 46 so  yes it is a Hornby chip, but which one I still don't know! I guess i will just have to work my way through all TTS diesel instructions given the settings I found ie

1 startup

2 horn

3 horn

4 wheel squeal

5 accelerate

11 door slam

12 bell

13 whistle

14 beep

Thanks for your tips about the speaker, i will persevere and will make it fit - it came out so it must have gone in somehow.


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Read CVs 7  Which will give the decoder firmware ID and whichever of these has a value 156, 157, 158, 159 (not all of them will be populated). These will give more clues as to the actual sound set and hence the loco.


Unfortunately my files are in transit, so I can’t get to read them until I locate the actual packing box they are in next week when it all arrives on my doorstep. No rush - we will get there in the end.


Tip - look to see if there are any fancy horns later in the function list as some TTS have some nice horn/whislte melodies. One shunter has a horn and a whistle (Answers on a postcard to JimmyJames our resident quiz setter).

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