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J36 TTS Maude not working without sound


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Hi.  I've a handful of TTS diesels and even fitted one to a ViTrains 37; But today, I've operated my latest acquisition - the J36 Maude with TTS fitted.

I have a problem, or at least a query, as it might be a design feature.  I tried to operate the engine, but nothing.  Checked my wiring, tried another loco, and everything is working ok.

I re-tried the J36 again, but nothing.  Then I thought I'd try the sound function (F1), and the sound came on.  Turned the controller, engine moves.  Excellent.  But when I turned the sound off, the engine won't move.

So, the question is, is this by design - does the loco only move when the sound is turned on?  Or is there a design fault, or even a CV setting?  This is my first steam TTS, so maybe they are all like that?  

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What a "newb" as the kids say nowadays.  I've sorted it - thanks for the reply howbiman, but it's by design.  There is a setting (CV201) which controls the loco start delay.  The default is 2.5 seconds, which I suppose, with sound on, is to get the relevant steam sounds going.

I guess i am just impatient.  But I am so glad it's not a fault, I hate sending things to be repaired!  It's a beautiful loco and I don't want to part with it!

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That's great, Carlton, we all learn sommat new every day.........if you find the loco a bit jerky at low speed try changing CV150 to a value of 1..........HB

Thanks again.  It seems smooth enough, but will bear that in mind.  

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As you have found out there is a start delay setting, which is for the cylinders to blowdown before the loco moves. If you set this too low the loco will move sooner but the blowdown sounds will not have time to play out before it moves and it will look odd. Set it too long and the cylinders will blow twice (model dependant) or the chuffs will start before the loco moves, again looking very odd.

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