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Select 1.6 is here


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If you have any problems (unlikely) post them up and I can run through them for you, but the new features are so simple to use as to be almost intuitive. Note that you have two emergency stop scenarios now - short and long press which dictates whether track power is cut or just the loco power.

What do the notes say about accessory decoder programming.

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I just wondered if it mentioned being able to input either an accessory decoder channel address or a group address, because Hornby controllers conveniently auto-calc between the two. e.g. you can input group address 16 and Select will know you mean point addresses 61-64 (if I got my big sums right).

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I've tried writing CVs on the select and it works fine. I've been trying to get Greyfriars Bobby (Class 47 with 3 pole ringfield) to run less jerkily with a TTS decoder fitted. Having trawled the internet I;ve set CV151 to 255 and CV152 to 1 and it is quieter and runs more smoothly.

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Select v1.6 will change all CVs 1 to 255 for all values 1 to 255 where these CVs and values are supported by the decoder. As you say CV1 = CV513, etc so no problem there. Therefore resetting a decoder by writing vlaue 8 to CV8 or amending CV29 is all within the Select capability.


The only limitation that reads across is loco addresses can only be 1 to 59 and points addresses 61 to 99 as before. Apparently a major rewrite of the firmware to cater for long addressing is not possible.


In case anyone is wondering how you get 3-digit numbers on a 2-digit screen:

Long press 1 or 2 (hundreds), wait then press the tens and units values. Same method for selecting a CV or CV value.


Default setting for v1.6 is DC running not supported, but resettable to ON if required.

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Big sums Rob?  You’ll never get them right. Suggest you move on immediately to calculus, imaginary numbers, solving equations of order n, much simpler, at least they were 50 yrs ago and I’m still getting sums wrong. 

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Big sums Rob?  You’ll never get them right. Suggest you move on immediately to calculus, imaginary numbers, solving equations of order n, much simpler, at least they were 50 yrs ago and I’m still getting sums wrong. 

Staying off topic Fishy...

Part of my last job before retiring was doing the alignment calcs for airfield hook wire arrestor gear, accurate to 1mm in height and 1cm in distance Over hundreds of metres. The surveyors couldn’t believe I worked to such limits. If you got the alignment wrong the purchase tapes wouldn’t feed off the drums through the runway edge sheaves correctly and you could get a tape failure. Not what you want when your 60 ton jet is hooking on at 160 knots.


Here is a video of one of your old F111s with no wheels taking the wire at Amberely. Perfect engagement by a very skilled pilot. 


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Can’t possibly have been one of ours Rob, they all came fitted with wheels and pilots who knew it best to use them for landing. 


And i cant imagine one of these new-fangled namby-pamby 5th generation thingies being able to do that without leaving significant bits all over the runway!

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