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Fitting R7150 decoder to R3767 Terrier class


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I have just bought the R7150 decoder to fit into the Terrier however I have a wiring problem.

I fitted the decoder and tried to program it but all attempts failed. I then got a multimeter to check if I had the plug correcly inserted and to my suprise the wired pins on the Terrier did not match the decoder pins. The Terrier pin1 was from the left but should have been pin4. Pin 2 was from the right rail but should have been pin3. The result is that the order of the 4 pins is reversed on the Terrier compared to the decoder. Is this normal or have I got a faulty Terrier? ☹️

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I have fitted the same decoder, but have not tried it on DCC yet.


The loco runs ok with the decoder fitted on DC though.


The plug on the decoder can be fitted either way up, so is it the right way around?







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No it is not normal as the 6 pin wiring is a NMRA standard and should be adhered to by manufacturers.


The problem is that wiring errors on Hornby locos is a far too commonly reported issue. You may be unlucky and your loco miss-wiring is just a 'one off' error. But be prepared for a 'replacement' to have the same wiring fault if it is from the same manufacturer batch.


Just by way of confirmation, the drawing below (courtesy of Brian Lambert's site) shows the NMRA 6 pin wiring standard.




Your post indicates that the wheel pickups are appearing on pins 1&2 of the socket (should be 3&4) and that your motor wires are appearing on 3&4 of the socket (should be 1& 2). If this understanding of your post is correct, then this can't be corrected by reversing the decoder plug as that would put the motor output of the decoder on the directional lighting wires.


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Hornby R&D says they have rung out their sample and the wiring accords with NMRA 6-pin requirements, so I suggest you send yours back to the seller as ‘broken’, explaining why and asking them to ensure the replacement is correctly wired.

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