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Thompson A2/3


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Isn't it about time one of the r-t-r manufacturers started thinking about the Thompson pacifics?

Many modellers model Eastern Region and the r-t-r manufacturers just keep regurgitating the same old, same old, in different guises - re-liveried and renumbered.

Eastern Region modellers are crying out for Thompson pacifics but to no avail.

A Thompson A2/3 would be a start. Or how about even a limited edition Thompson A1/1? Whilst many think Thompson's rebuild of 4470 Great Northern was an abomination it was actually a very efficient locomotive.

It just gets tedious looking at next year's offerings and then a deflated expectation when it is just another reliveried A4, or a reliveried A3 or A1. Yawn Yawn Yawn.

For goodness sakes let's have some Thompson Pacifics.

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 Weren't four of them meant to be V2s but were given a 4 wheel front bogie instead? A2/1 if I remember right? Three sets of valve gear losing the Gresley conjugated gear. Six wheel tender originally too. Weird!!

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You've picked up another 'trial loco' Last 4 of the V2 build, although I know which were more use.


The P2, and I think the V2 rebuilds, are famous as being the only locos designed and built around the length of the connecting rod! Thompson had 'a thing' about valve gear -  no conjugated gear for him. Three sets of seperate valve gear with all the same size con rod which led to the centre driving off the front axle and the two  outside cylinders  off the centre. That's why the cylinder is between the axle and the bogie which in turn required extended smokebox and  chimney.


Hope this helps (we've drained my technical pool of knowledge. You've surprised me - I'd have bet money that you knew more about this than I do) 😀

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 Not really, but I just have a reasonably good library collected over 65 years! My memory isn't what it used to be though!  Not always easy to find the right source any more. But still using books my Dad gave me in 1954! 😆


I am not a fan of Thompson Pacifics, much preferring Gresley and Peppercorn's versions. I am however a fan of the Gresley V2, probably my favourite Gresley loco, so the A2/1 is very low on my 'hit parade'.


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 I'm not a fan of Thompson locos, least of all the pacifics. Just a case of if the OP gets one, I'm sticking my claim in for Cock O' The North!!!


Like you, I'm also a great fan of the V2, in looks as well as performance, in fact there is only one thing better than a V2 and that's 2 V2s. Even WTD likes them - it's been suggested that I brainwashed him but we both know where that theory comes unstuck.


I was at the Glos/Warks today for their gala - their Merchant looks nice, and as a visitor the B1 was nice to see



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I took this at Grosmont Shed on 16th April 2008, I believe she was already a failure and her boiler ticket was due to expire.


You have to admit, despite this, she is beautiful!

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Would Hornby be able to make all three variants of the Thompson A2, with a single chassis.  There are noticeable differences in the loco bodies (e.g. V-shaped or flat fronted cabs, different styles of smoke deflectors) but the chassis of all three look very similar to me, with the awkward positioning of the outer cylinders behind the second bogie wheel.

Before they produce the A2 though, I'd like to see Hornby make Cock o' the North (and variants) while it was still a 2-8-2 with its A4 style nose and Walschaerts valve gear.

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