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CD Motors and DCC


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I'm currently replacing all my ringfieid motors in my Hornby and Lima locos and using Hornby R8249 decoders and TTS decoders the only issues I've got is jerky movement of the locos at slow speeds until I put the controller to half power also with TTS sound sync.

Is there anyway of getting them to run more smoother and sound to sync better.

The controller 'im using is a Hornby elite with the most recent firmware available.

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If you are talking about TTS steam chuff synch then it is not adjustable. Wot you got is wot you got.


I presume from the title you are replacing all your ringfields with CD/DVD tray motors but still having slow running problems. Be aware not all these motors are 12v, many are 6v and some as low as 3v.


With R8249 decoder there is virtually no adjustment possible, but with TTS you can alter the motor regime - see the user manual.


Where decoder changes are possible the Elite can do this.

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As you have an Elite, you can alter the CV's that control motor response.

There are several threads on this in this forum, but as nobody has titled their query appropriately, I can't find them in a quick look. Your Elite manual will tell you which they are, and what to alter them to.

You cannot match sound and motion, with TTS.


RAF got there first!

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The Elite manual will tell you nothing about TTS motor algorithm adjustment but the TTS decoder leaflet will - change CV150 from 0 to 1 and if further adjustments needed, see the leaflet on related CVs 151-154.  No adjustments available  on the 8249 beyond BEMF cutout. 


Oh, and make sure Accel and Decel are at least 15 on TTS for correct moving off synch. 

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