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TTS volume changes


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i have just received an 08 TTS sound module, the vol7me is very low even when it is outside the unit, I have tried to change the cv value but nothing changed, when I try and read the cv value it comes back as 255, I checked other values and they are all the same. I then looked at another unit with TTS and the values are all 255, I am doing someth8ng wrong?

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If you are directly attaching the TTS decoder 'black & red' wires directly to the controller programming output then be aware that you need to have a motor attached to a TTS decoder orange & grey wires before you can program it.


All values being read as 255 means that your controller cannot electrically see the decoder. If it cannot see the decoder to read it, then it cannot see the decoder to write to it either i.e change volume levels.


What DCC controller are you using?

What firmware version has it got installed?

How have you installed your 'programming' track piece......you are using a 'program track' for the other existing TTS loco you tried....I assume?


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The modules are installed in units with all wires connected, connected to my programming track which is a seperate setup to the main track. The units all work ok so movement and sound. I am using an elite controller with version 1.41

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'Outside' the loco, the sound will always appear quiet because the air motion in front of anf behind the speaker cone mix freely - and cancel each othert out.   One there is a baffle or enclosure separating front from back air, it will sound much louder ...... with the hornby 08, remove the front slatted grill and cut away the panel behind - then replace the slotted grill once the speaker is fixed / slotted into position behind the opening.

(on the Bachmann version - the grill is not slatted, but solid - so I rebuilt the grill with slats on one of mine - otherwise very similar)

As for whether you have successfully reprogrammed the sounds - the ear is the best judge 8-) - BUT if you have only tried the 'quickset' sound level adjustment (0-8), then it will always readback 255 regardless.

Whilst some controllers seem to require 'readback' to continue programming, it is not the case with all, and most times I find it much easier to reprogram decoders without any readback .... why do I want to know, by the slow readback process, the previous number ? mostly I do not 8-)

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Just for clarity....when I wrote;

"All values being read as 255 means that your controller cannot electrically see the decoder."


I meant ALL the CV's on the decoder, not just the ones relating to volume.


Version 1.41 firmware was rushed out very quickly to fix bugs introduced in version 1.4.

The current version is 1.44.......IMO it is worthwhile upgrading to the current latest version.


If the volume is excessively quiet, then do give consideration to the TTS being shipped to you in a faulty condition. Very quiet volume that no amount of CV tweaking will fix is a known (fairly common) fault.



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The class 08 TTS decoder comes with a default sound value of 4 within a range of 0 - 8......the CV182 Quick Set volume does not give readback.........best to use CV161 and change to a max value of 8 which can subsequently be checked by a 'read'........HB

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