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Intermittent Stopping on DCC track with Select

Guest Chrissaf

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There is a separate area for DCC, but nevertheless, better to check basics.


In DC, there's a simple controller which doesn't have enough power for 'larger stuff', is there a similarly basic controller for DCC - perhaps it cannot provide enough power?


Not that?

I would start by check track - connections - fish plates, etc. Get a Voltmeter on the track to check for power and consistency.



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I had looked on the DCC area an d thought as it was more running than problem with the chip or select I would get more help on here. 


I've done all the track, fish plates etc. and I have 10 other locos which have no problems over the same areas. As for power it will do the same if it's the only Loco on the track so don't think it's that and my thought would be if it was then why in the same spots all the time?

So frustrating Al thanks for your input.

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I have a Flying Scots running DCC with a select. It will run round the track for ie: 15 times and no problems then it will keep stopping in a couple of places usually just before or on points. Always the same place maybe 3/4 times then it won't do it for 10/20 circuit. Then it will start all over again. Doesn't do it on snail pace only at normal running.


Doing my head in all other locos no problems all run round fine. I can have 2 locos running on same track following on and it's the only one doing it. I've got to a point were I'm OCD on it now almost every sleeper over about 2ft is doubled pinned (on outside of rail) to keep track flat it will collapse with the weight soon.

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From what you’ve described, you seem to have eliminated the track and the Select overloading as other locos continue to run when FS is stopping.


That means it’s the loco itself or the decoder.  Easy to check the decoder by swapping it as Rog suggests to see if the fault moves with the decoder or stays with the loco.


For the loco, I’d be checking wheel cleanliness and b2b (This latter unlikely as wrong back-to-back causes shorts that take out the Select and the entire layout).  Then does it have tender wheel pickups back to the engine via those spring connectors on the tender post?  If so, is one bent and shorting intermittently?

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I had a similar problem with a Hornby 9F tender drive when going over the complex of a point on a sharp curve at the beginning of an incline. I eventually traced the problem to wheel pickups on the loco. When on the curve with the wheels displaced laterally a couple of the contacts failed to make contact with the backs of the wheels. Some carefull bending of the contacts to ensure that they were making a connection when the wheels were displaced to the side cured the problem and all ran smoothly.

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