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What TTS decoder will suit best a Patriot R2726


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Hi everyone

I need your thinkimng again !!

I am getting an R2726 Patriot BR soon and want to fit a TTS chip ...

which RXXXX is best for it ? ... I don't understand cylinders etc !!!! ( love the loco though  😀 )

Any ideas .... is a Black 5 similar ? ( sounds etc?)


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The engine is a three cylinder machine so any TTS loco with three cylinders should sound roughly the same.


The Patriot was based on a Royal Scot chassis and they were known as Baby Scots so that is another option. See what TTS decoder folk have been fitting to those locos.


No Patriot was preserved so any sound sets will be recordings, however there is a project group planning to build a new one.

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Just missed the edit window...


Regarding cylinders...


A steam loco will have either 2, 3 or 4 cylinders that will make a characteristic chuff noise matching the wheel revolutions. Some locos have additional characteristics whereby the loco will bark under heavy load or whisper under light load. The type of valve gear can affect the noise you hear. These actual noises vary loco type to loco type regardless of the number of cylinders and some folk are able to recognise a loco type just by its exhaust noise at a distance.


Added to this we have whistles which are the other most defining characteristic of a loco type. Some locos have more than one whistle type, such as chime and screech, and some regions had generic whistles characteristic of their area, e.g. GWR and Southern.


Unless you are a rivet counter and/or require the exact sound set for your loco type then picking a TTS decoder that has the same number of cylinders and a similar whistle is about as close as you need to get, if there is not an exact match for your loco in the TTS range.


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