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eBay ......have I been scammed.

Guest Chrissaf

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Thanks for the messages. 

I've had good service as a buyer but this is the third time someone has tried it on so now I take videos and photos of it running and before packing. 

If they had just said could they return it rather than demanding some money back I may have been more sympathetic to them.

I'm not sure whether to report them to the police for fraud  (for that is what it is). Most people who use ebay are honest (but to take a % of the postage is rich!)


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As a footnote: ebay found in favour of the buyer and it was returned to me at my expense! It's funny that it no longer runs on DCC only analogue. 

With no recourse I've left a negative message on a review site and can no longer trust ebay. 

If anyone is interested I have a Bachmann class 108 DMU in NSE livery in very good condition that I still don't need/don't have room to run. (Not sure if I'm breaking forum rules here so apologies if I am)


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As I am retired and with little else to do on occassion, I would pursue this crook to the bitter end. Vindictive maybe, but that’s the way I get when I am cheated as you obviously were - theft of a decoder for starters and likely fraud. Small claims court maybe, just for the hell of it, then pay the fee to send the Sherifs in. I bet your local cops were less than interested.


Scenario - tell him you marked the decoder with ‘magic water’ and its serial number is recorded by the agency and that you will be seeking a search warrant for the police to invade his house to look for traces of it which can transfer to other places like his work bench and tools. Or you could apply to some credit agency to have his address blacked. That should put the wind up him. You of course do nothing of the sort, but maybe it will worry him.

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Your not alone 

ive been scammed by unscrupulous buyers. The odds are stacked in there favour. i Got eBay to step in and I at least didn’t loose my postage costs. A lot of buyers are looking for the seller to offer a discount and Threaten the negative feedback route. Why oh why they removed negative feedback for buyers god only knows 

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