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No communication with E-link

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  Yep another thread about not be able to communicate with e-link

   I have updated Railmaster to ver 1.71

  I have ensured that I am using a USB 2.00 port and have I am using com port 4. Set baud speed.

  I have uninstalled and installed com port driver in win device manager.

 The green light is always on.

  Added the two lines to the ini file.

  Changed the USB lead.

  I am unable to use the elink..107 file to update the firmware. Says not communicating 

 I have unplugged the USB lead as requested for 5 seconds

 I have tried the elink controller with another computer and after doing all the above it still did not work.

I have contacted support who suggested my E-link is faulty. 

I do not want to spend more cash on a new elink. This is the first time I have connected the elink had over 12 months

Any ideas?









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Have you edited the "Reset eLink on start" line in the .ini file. More info is in the RailMaster 1.70.2 thread.

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  • 2 weeks later...


  Used another elink same problems, no communication.

 I have ensure that all three lines as requested are in the ini.file

 I have ensured I run the progrsam as adminstrator

The settings in the com port properties are the same as the settings in railmaster

 Must be something in Windows 10 64 bit I am missing so that it can communicate with the e-link.

This is getting very frustrating



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In case you didn't find this post after my last reply. Here is a direct link (below). With the 1.7x release, you have to experiment with the settings in the .INI file to find the combination that suits you best. This thread gives the details.




The post above was written for 1.70.2 release. But is also good for the current 1.71 release.


Most of the feedback I get on this forum from users reporting your issue is that my fix works for them if they follow it religiously.

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I have followed that thread as well.  I have done all the combinations in the ini.file 

I have also got a new usb cable.

no joy

As I live about 17 miles away from Hornby HQI may take the my PC and e-link to hornby HQ tomsee if their tech department can solve my problem

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Then I have no more suggestions to make. Since you said you have tried two different controllers with the same results.


I do however assume that when you tried the second controller that you also used that alternative controllers power pack. There was once an issue reported on the forum that was similar to yours. That member changed the controller and got the same results, but used the original power pack. Once he tried again with the other power pack, his fault was cleared.


You've changed the USB lead, but have you tried a different USB port on the PC in case that has got a dodgy pin fault on it. AC on this forum, who runs a laptop & PC repair business, says he regularly has to replace / resolder USB port connectors.


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As I live about 17 miles away from Hornby HQ I may take the my PC and e-link to hornby HQ to see if their tech department can solve my problem


Unfortunately the people who are better able to help you (HRMS) are from memory in Leighton Buzzard or Milton Keynes or similar geographic extremis, not HCC at Margate.

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Just for clarification:


RailMaster software issues is dealt with by HRMS (Hornby RailMaster Support). Now HRMS do not have a published telephone number (I believe because, HRMS is a small company 'one man band' type organisation). They can only be contacted either via the integral 'Support Help Request' function within RM or via email on support@rail-master.com. The integral support function uses the email address anyway, but also sends logs and configuration information along with the help request. HRMS do not deal with eLink or Elite hardware issues.


eLink (and Elite) hardware only issues is dealt with by Hornby direct using Hornby Customer Care HCC @ Margate.

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Seems that at present I am out of ideas.  This is so frustrating.

I seems to be going around in circles.

I have followed all the instructions and suggestions  in the threads. Still no communication.

Maybe it is a Windows 10 64 bit compatibity issue?

Two computers, two elink, two types of power supplies, two usb cables..

Even tried running Railmaster in compatibility mode with different windows.

I hope this can be sorted.

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I run RM on 2 PCs and a laptop all Win 10 64 bit and although I have had the odd configuration issue they have all been sorted out by following the advice laid out on the forum as we identify and cure any problem that pops out of the last revision. There are many more folk out there sucessfully running RM on Win 10 as well as earlier Win platforms.


If the hardware is OK and proven by simple functional checks, and the software is the very latest download (often on a day to day basis) then the only thing left is personal configuration issues. These can be resolved by the user following posted advice or if that is outwith  their capability by allowing HRMS to remotely access their machine and do it for them.


We have seen some persistent cases on the forum where one or two users have had real problems setting up RM for whatever reason and they have all been overcome and sorted out one way or another. Keep at it or call in HRMS.

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The only option that I see open to you is to request HRMS to log onto your PC and try and resolve your issue for you. This is best requested using the 'Support Request' feature from within the RM help Screen.


My post in this thread gives an 'in principle' description of the HRMS log on process.



As Rob says, if it isn't genuinely a hardware fault with the eLink and associated gubbins, then it has to be some aspect of your PC configuration. My RM runs on Windows 10......yes I have had issues with some of the RM updates not working on it, but they have all been resolved through the tweaking of settings.


What I would ask, is if you do get HRMS to log on and they find something really simple that you missed. Do tell us back here for the benefit of readers researching a similar issue. Don't think to yourself I shall look stupid by admitting to a very basic error on my part. We just want to know what was wrong, not poke fun at someone's inability to follow clear instructions and the like. It goes without saying that we would like to know what the issue was, regardless of its complexity or simplicity.


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I recieved an e-mail to set up my computer for remote access from HRMS

Was all set up tuesday afternoon and informed them. Even gave them my mobile number.

To put bluntly not impressed. Been trying to sort this out for over three weeks

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I daresay you followed instructions, but just to be sure.


HRMS can only access your PC when the downloaded utility is actually running and you have triggered the connection request from within the utility. I can't imagine that you have been running this utility 24 hours a day since Tuesday last. In my case, they connected within 2 minutes of triggering the utility. Are you sure that you are using the utility correctly as instructed. Just a thought.....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sounds like you had the same problem I did a while ago. I originally had problems with Elink on Win8 as my PC was one of the ones with a slightly dodgy USB so ended up running on an old Vista.


Once RM sorted out the problems when Win10 arrived, I moved back to my Win10 PC and everything worked fine.


I then bought another Elink for a second setup on another Win10 PC and it would not let me update to 1.07 no matter what I tried.


So I got out my old Vista PC, always worth keeping old equipment, and instantly updated the Elink. Put it back with the Win10 PC and no more problems since then.


It could be that although RM sorted out Win10 communication with the Elink, they have not done anything to sort out updating the Elink Firmware on Win10.


Just my thoughts.



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