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Train direction


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A lot depends on the layout of a station and how many tracks there are.


Of course, that goes without saying. But I'm sure that the person who decided on the arrow direction on the controller was taking a very simplistic view of platform usage from the perspective of a typical branch line station with two platforms one up line and one down line. As I said, a cerebral exercise, not an observation of reality. I was also using Paulali's specific station example as a basis for my comment.


This post has turned something blindingly obvious into something very complicated.


I agree that this topic has been done to death. However, Paulali asked a question and I felt it only polite to offer an answer, rather than ignore it.



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Then,  of course, is the island platform!


In the days of the 'Walkman' cassette player, they were bi-directional. When they got to the end of the tape, the mechanism reversed, repositioned the head, and played the 'other side' going backwards - ad infinitum, or until it was switched off or the battery died!


Going off-topic - the convention for playing records was a clockwise rotation, starting at the outer edge, but cd/dvd's start in the middle and work outwards! I'm not sure which way they rotate, as they are hidden in little slots!


Anyway - to drag this back onto almost topic, with DCC forwards is the direction the loco is facing, irrespective of which way you set the controls. If your loco goes forwards right to left, you stop it, physically rotate it 180', and set it off again, it still goes forwards, but left to right!

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