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Turn Table address forgotten


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 Help can't find my turn table on Elite controller. I have not used layout for 5-6 years. Is there a way to search the address data base to find it's address? 😢  Relaying and rewireing layout. TT decoder wired up to bus bar and input rail to TT driving Loco,s. Would appreciate help to sort out problem.       

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The Address is not held within the Elite, so there is nothing in the Elite you can search.


The Elite can however, read a decoders address. You just need to make an isolated, temporary and dedicated connection between the input to the TT decoder and the 'PROG A&B' output of the Elite. Such that the TT decoder is the only 'decoder fitted' product physically connected to the Elite 'Prog' output. This shouldn't be too difficult to achieve with a length of spare twin wire cable such as the type used for doorbell or cheap speakers wire.


Assuming that you used a locomotive decoder for your TT, then use the CV Reading instructions on Page 37 of the Elite manual and read the value of CV1. It is CV1 that holds the value of the decoder DCC address.


Note that the instructions on Page 37 of the manual document the process for reading CV3 as an example, so if following the instructions as written in the manual you would miss out Step 8 completely and go straight from Step 7 direct to Step 9 ......see image of manual extract below.


Note in the Step 9 text in the image below, the references to CV003 should then read CV001 if Step 8 is not performed and missed out.




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Thanks Chrissaf for your prompt reply.

I was just coming round to the idea of giving it a new address, it makes sense as I have added some more dcc point and accessory switches. Will write the addresses down this time learnt my lesson should have known better at my age.  😳


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