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Short circuit

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Help finally got my majestic set sort of working the Canadian Pacific loco moved a few inches then short circuit error now soon as i go to move it short circuit straight away yet the other train is working on the same track fine as this is all new to me can anybody point me in the right direction as what to check for also can't get the elink working at all on the lastest software but works fine on the first install software any help would be appreciated


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If one loco runs fine but another loco shorts on the same section of track, then the issue is with the loco and not necessarily the track.


With regard your comment:


...can't get the eLink working at all on the latest software but works fine on the first install software...


If you mean going from version 1.69 software to 1.70.2 or 1.71.0 then this is a well documented issue on this forum. With the 1.7x software releases you have to modify your 'railmaster.ini' file to get it working again. What needs to be done is detailed in this previous reply of mine.


Pay particular attention to the "Reset eLink on start" line as well as the 'Alternative comms' and 'Check controller' lines.




The 'full monty' version of the above abridged version can be read here:



I suggest you focus initially on getting the eLink sorted first, then turn your attention to the loco.

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There are many likely causes of shorts in tender locos. These can be the link between tender and loco or the valve gear or rods shorting against the driver wheels. A digital multi-meter is handy for checking things out and you can get a half decent one for around a tenner in your local Llidl or Aldi.

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