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Adjustment of Maximum Speed in the Speed Slider

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I have spent some time manually entering the sounds for R3600TTS and setting up the loco.

I use the eLink with a computer. It ran fine.


Today the speed slider shows a maximum speed of 1 at the top. Therefore when controlling the loco I can only select 0 or 1 with no multiple steps in between where I can gradually increase or decrease the speed. When 1 is selected it still, however, runs at its maximum speed. I don't know how this has come about or how to get it back to the correct value. There seems to be no obvious way. In the locomotive set up it has cruising and shunting speed as inputs with the maximum speed in tiny writting in between in dark blue which seems unajustable.


Can someone enlighten me or has it's database become corrupt and I will have to start from scratch and enter everything again?

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Hi @TrainDriverJohn,


This has happened to me on numerous occasions and has driven me quite mad in the past.


I have been able to fix it by entering (or re-entering) the speed factor for the locomotive. This is done by using the stopwatch icon on the loco editing screen.  I usually put 3 (seconds, the minimum) entry for the time to travel round the 2.75m circle of track.  I've no idea why it works, but it seems to for me!


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Thanks for this. Unfortunately I have already re-entered the loco. But I will certainly bear this in mind should it happen again.


I had seen the screen you refer to, and entered the maximum speed, but when it requested the further information (which I had no knowledge of) I gave up.


It was annoying as this model had to be manually entered and I had no idea how this error had occurred or how to avoid it in the future. It just seems like a glitch to me.

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I calibrate my trains using a Black Cat Technologies speed wagon, and this happens a lot. Also frustarting is that the speed correction factor you enter is not always saved, so when you close RailMaster and restart it the speed changes dramatically, meaning you have to start again. Some bugs need fixing:

1. Correct the issue with the max speed going to a decimal value, meaning the max is displayed as '1'

2. Correct the issue with the speed factor window being bank when you go back into it again, instead of recalling the previous value

3. Fix the issue with teh correction entered not working relaibly / consistently

Seems to me Hornby have given up on DCC, no new controllers, no up to date version of RailMaster... it looks like something from a 1980s computer game!



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Presumably you have reported all these problems to HMRS via the inbuilt help system. If not then you can beat your gums on here all you like and only the forum members will take any notice.


HMRS is not obliged to react to forum comments.


As often pointed out on here RM (software) is managed by HMRS on sub contract to Hornby, hence it runs semi-autonomously.


If you want to inform Hornby about (hardware) issues then put your views into the Wishlist area where Hornby may tke notice of your concerns.

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