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Railmaster reset

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Hi can anyone tell me if you can do a master reset deleting all the locomotives on the rail master software.   Have done a reset on the elite controller and want to do a master reset now on the railmaster so I can start afresh with a clean system to renumber all my loco Id addresses. 
looked in the railmaster Manuel but could not find any information.







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The safest way would be to just go through each loco in the list and click the delete key individually. The 'waste basket delete loco button' is in the 'Loco Settings' screen. There is no 'Master Reset' that I am aware of. Loco information is held in the "resource.mdb" file, but deleting that file and running the RM installer to re-instate a blank empty version of that file is a high risk strategy. If there was a 'Master Factory Reset' then that would also eradicate your configured 'track plan' as well, probably something you would not want to do.


First select the loco to be deleted in the top box marked 1 in my screen capture below. Followed by the 'waste basket delete' button marked 2. You would need to have a huge list of locos in that window list for this process to be too laborious.




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  • 1 month later...

I did try doing this directly via the resources.mdb database, however it must have a pecular setting on it that I am not familiar with. Basically, if you open the file directly using MS Access you it appears that there is only one loco in the database (I has 4 loaded at the time. If you make a copy of the database from within windows explorer, and then open that up you can see them all! But if you then delete the unwanted locos in the copy, ad copy it back to the original folder under the original name (having made a backup copy of the original just in case) you get spurious results - in my case, the deleted loco reappeared as a duplicate! More experimentation needed on this one I think.


PS as they say "Don't try this at home!"

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I think RM loco database is Access based so what you are seeing is just a single record, not the whole record set. The fact you can also see it in Excel is purely the way these database matrixes work. I may be wrong as it is a long time since I fiddled with Access.

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