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Trouble starting E Link

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Hi All,

I have finally managed to get my activation key to work after disabling my McAfee firewall, however I am still getting this message when I try to set up Railmaster.

I have made sure my com port matches (Com5) and that the Baud rate is correct. Is there anything else I should be doing? I have not connected the Elink up to the track yet.


Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


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This should be an easy fix.

I am assuming that your RailMaster software is version 1.7x


As well as checking your com ports (as you seem to have done). You have to modify your 'railmaster.ini' file.


How To fix this issue is documented in this previous posted thread (my posts in the threads).


Pay particular attention to the "Reset eLink on start" .ini file line modification. This mod seems to fix most eLink issues running 1.7x RM software.


eLink not recognised issue



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See also – further TIPs on how to get the best user experience from this forum.


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I've done everything the previous thread recommended regarding changing the .ini file. I either get the same error message, or these ones:


Does it matter that it's not connected to the track?


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Just check that device manager matches those RM port settings. Windosey sometimes changes things. If a lower com port is available you could try forcing the eLink onto it by right clicking in Dev Mgr for properties and picking another port from the pull down.

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No, the eLink does not need to be connected to the track.


Assuming that you have followed all the guidance in my last reply regarding the 'railmaster.ini' file modifications. Then your issue may be associated with your allocation by Device Manager of Com5. Because RailMaster was originally written for Windows XP, it tends to baulk at being forced to use Com5.


As Rob says. You also have to manually allocate the Com port number in RM 'System Settings' to match the one shown in Device Manager - see additional guidance below regarding Com ports.


RailMaster and eLink communications are more robust when using either Com3 or Com4. This dislike of Com5 is documented in the official driver installation guide.


In my experience, Com5 seems in the main to be allocated when using a USB3.0 port on your PC (the ones with the blue plastic insert). If your PC has any USB 2.0 ports (black or dark grey plastic insert). Then try using one of those ports instead. As RM and eLink do not like using USB 3.0 ports either.


Changing the port you use, should theoretically force a new Com port number to be allocated. If Com3 or 4 is allocated and your eLink communication issue is solved. Then ensure that you ALWAYS use the SAME USB port on your PC for connecting your eLink. Once you get a working connection, it will almost certainly get lost again if you start using a different USB port.....so keep using the same USB port is crucial.


Look to see in 'Device Manager (D.M)' (make sure that 'Show Hidden Devices' is ticked - see screen shot) what other devices might be using either Com3 or Com4, you could then potentially use D.M to move the Com port numbers about so that you can get the eLink driver [USB Serial Port (ComN)] where N is the allocated Com port number re-assigned to 3 or 4. If the D.M entry says anything other than what is highlighted in bold above, then that is not the correct eLink driver for Windows 10.




It would be useful if you posted a screen shot of your 'Device Manager' with the 'Ports(COM & LPT)' branch of the tree expanded so that we can see what driver you are using for your eLink. The eLink needs to be attached for this branch to populate, or having the 'Show Hidden Devices' ticked might just suffice to show the driver entry instead.


If none of the above provides any improvement, then you may have either a faulty USB cable or faulty eLink. What does the LED on the eLink show when powered up?


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@ Chrisaf

"In  my experience, Com5 seems in the main to be allocated when using a USB3.0 port on your PC (the ones with the blue plastic insert)"


Some PC's, for example my HP laptop, don't have blue usb3 ports.  They are black, the same as usb2 ports.

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I am aware that not all USB 3 ports have blue inserts. But more often than not for the majority of manufacturers they do seem to favour the blue variety. Which is why the OP should confirm any non blue ports types with the supplied PC documentation.

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I have put some images of my device manager. It only seems to let me use Ports 5 to 7, none of which communicate with the eLink.


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Taking firstly this image.




Notice that Com5 & Com7 are greyed out. This is because the 'show hidden' option is ticked and that Com5 & Com7 have previously been allocated to the driver at some point in time. Com6 is not greyed out and is the currently loaded driver Com port. Com6 was also correctly assigned in your RM 'system settings' screen, according to their posted images.


However as I said before, RM is more reliable using either Com3 or Com4. You never answered the question about what type of USB port are you using. USB 3.0 or USB 2.0 ??? RM is more reliable using USB 2.0


If you can, use D.M to reassign the Com port to 3 or 4. It is not easy, but it can be done.  A clue to how is below:




I am using Com1 in the example above as the PC I am writing this reply on is not the one with my RM software on it.


  1. In D.M right click the [ USB Serial Port (Com6) ] entry and choose 'Properties'
  2. In 'Properties' click the 'Port Settings' tab
  3. Then the 'Advanced' button.
  4. Then the pull down 'Com Port Number' box.


See how all the Com ports are listed. If Com2 is free, then try to reassign to that port. Avoid Com1 as that has special use in Windows.


If neither Com2, Com3 or Com4 are free. Then you will have to investigate what PC device is using those ports. And use the same process 'right clicking that device driver' to move the Com port used to another so that you free it up to reassign to eLink.


Now turning your attention to your .INI file.




Reset eLink on start is correctly set as 0


But I have concerns over the last two lines both being set as 1


In my 'fix' post in the .INI file section (please read it again). I described that these two .INI lines would need to be experimented with to find the combination that will work in your particular PC set up.


There are four possible combinations (AC means Alternative Comms & CC means Check Controller):


AC =1

CC =1


AC =1

CC =0


AC =0

CC =1


AC =0

CC =0


With RM version 1.7x the combinations that others have found to work are usually.....


AC =1

CC =0


AC =0

CC =0


But Not

AC =1

CC =1


You could try the four combinations first (focusing initially on the two combinations indicated above), whilst leaving the Com port on Com6.


If that doesn't work, then try and force the eLink com port to either 3 or 4 and try the .INI file combinations again.


If that doesn't work, use the 'Help' request within RM to ask HRMS to log remotely onto your PC to fix it for you.


This request will almost certainly be blocked by your McAfee anti-virus like it did when trying to activate, so you will have to do to McAfee what you did before. If your support request goes through, you should get a confirmation message on screen and a follow up automated email confirming the fact.


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When you forced the Com port change in 'Device Manager' to 3 or 4, did you also change the Com port number in RM 'System Settings' screen to match. If you did, then read on.


Then your only two options are to get HRMS involved by raising a support request for a remote logon to your PC. Or consider your eLink to be faulty and return it to Hornby for checking and possible repair. Use the 'Contact Us' link at the bottom of the page to discuss with Hornby Customer Care (HCC) to get a 'returns number'.


There has been one other thread in recent times that I am aware of, where that forum member went through exactly the same process that I have documented with you. His eLink turned out to be faulty.

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I spoke to one of the guys in customer support who went through everything I've done so far. As the main unit has a solid green light they said it isn't faulty, it's a software issue. I need to message the support email address again and explain that I've been to the shop and what conversation I had there. If they haven't resolved it by Monday I need to go back and change the eLink unit.

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According to this graphic showing the symbol imprinted next to your physical ports....your two USB ports that are labelled with SS [which stands for 'Super Speed'] are most likely USB 3.x ports.




More 'how to identify port type' info can be viewed on this link:




Note: The 'Device Manager' TIP in the link above is not 'foolproof'. I have some USB 3.0 ports on my PC, and there is no mention of USB 3.0 in my D.M USB controller branch of the tree. But I feel that the SS label next to the port is conclusive evidence for USB 3.x in my opinion.


You haven't told us what brand your Laptop is. Some HP & Lenovo laptops (not desktops) have proven to be problematic in the past with their USB port implementations. You really need to get HRMS to logon remotely so that they can interrogate your system to see what is happening. They then might tweak your RM application software code to get a working solution, which they then add to the main RM release in an update.



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