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Arc pro track volts


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I run an arc pro extended track for 6 cars but have it set for analogue so only use 2 cars.

I have checked to voltage of both the transformer feeds they are 15volts but if I use the voltmeter on the tracks one gives 15volt at full throttle the other gives 8 volt. I suspected a controlker and synced a different controller. When using the track seems ok but when ysong just the 8volt lane the car stutters and stops. When using the app on a tablet the car stutters alk the time. Used different cars same result. 

Should the voltages be the same.

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Hi Tel4 - welcome to the forum!


In digital mode, both lanes will receive alternating current (AC) at around 13 volts, irrespective of whether throttles are being pressed. In analogue mode, both lanes will get direct current (DC) and voltage will be dependent on how much the throttle is pressed - it should be around 13 volts at full throttle, 0 volts at no throttle. Measurements at the powerbase should be the same and any big difference - like you have - may be a fault with the powerbase. Lower readings away from the powerbase can be caused by poor connections between track pieces, so that should be checked carefully with your voltmeter. Loose tabs under the track can be tightened easily: https://www.scalextric.com/uk-en/support/track-maintenance


I hope that helps. Let us know how you get on.

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Hi Tel4 - welcome to the forum!


In digital mode, both lanes will receive alternating current (AC) at around 13 volts, irrespective of whether throttles are being pressed. In analogue mode, both lanes will get direct current (DC) and voltage will be dependent on how much the throttle is pressed - it should be around 13 volts at full throttle, 0 volts at no throttle. Measurements at the powerbase should be the same and any big difference - like you have - may be a fault with the powerbase. Lower readings away from the powerbase can be caused by poor connections between track pieces, so that should be checked carefully with your voltmeter. Loose tabs under the track can be tightened easily: https://www.scalextric.com/uk-en/support/track-maintenance


I hope that helps. Let us know how you get on. 

Thanks my readings were from the powerbase so looks like theres a problem there


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Just a few thoughts from me:

1/ the ARC PRO in analog mode uses a technique known as pulse width modulation to vary power to the motor. Hence, digital multimeters operating in dc have an impossible task - are we loooking for mean dc level, peak level or something else?


2/ earlier firmware version (PIC18 v2.1) had a very slight imbalance on max power levels so likely would record a difference on digital multimeters - though in fact the power level differences for cars on track appeared very small.


3/ I suspect the problem is not related to any of the above and may come down to poor connections. What happens if the car is held in position on track with the drive wheels lifted up? How consistent and smooth is the throttle control?



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@Tel4 - I tried the same measurements as you on my ARC Pro (original 2017 version from the ARC Pro Upgrade Kit) and got the same figures - 15v on the red lane and 8.75v on the green lane, both at full throttle in analogue mode and with no app connected.


What I then did was to drive the same car on both lanes - there seemed absolutely no difference... I then lifted the car's rear wheels off the track and accelerated through the throttle curve. Both seemed identical in sound until I got to the full speed position and the power on green lane suddenly dropped off and pulsed.


I returned with my multimeter and measured through the throttle curve - identical readings up to around 14.8v and the green dropped back to 8.75v on the final full throttle position. I connected the green controller to red and there was no 'drop-off'. I connected the red controller to green and the 'drop-off' from 14.8v to 8.75v occurred as before.


@ Dr_C - There does seem to be an issue here on green lane (lane furthest away from the pb) in analogue mode when full power is engaged. I wonder if this has been noted and addressed in the PIC firmware update? I will try and test with a 2019 pb from the Le Mans 24h set and see what happens (won't be until next week).


@Tel4 - I did not experience any of the stuttering and stopping you described, so I imagine we have two unrelated issues going on here. As Andre suggested, it might be worth looking at connections - especially on that lane - using the Track Maintenance Tips here on the Scalextric website. I find using a couple of drops of INOX MX3 on the braids of my cars really helps keep my ARC Pro track running reliably and smoothly. INOX can be found in the UK here: www.pendleslotracing.co.uk/brand/inox

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Thank you all for the replies sorry I couldn't reply earlier. I have an Arc Air as well I am going to to try that but also I will clean all track connections I will also see if an update for my pro is available and will come back and let you know. Thanks all particularly helpful is the fact that woodcotes tests gave the same as mine.

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Yes, I too believe there are two unrelated issues here.


1/ I believe the voltage reading issue points to the need to upgrade PIC18 to firmware v2.4 which we know corrects an analog in-balance of power between the two lanes at full throttle. I believe this relates to how the internal drive electronics generates the required gate drive voltages for the high side output transistors. This drive electronics needs a pulsed waveform to generatr these voltages... hence the sydtem needs to be firmware controlled to never quite reach 100% duty ratio. Well thats my explanation, but the simpler answer... if you are in the habit of driving at 100%... then do the v2.4 firmware upgrade.


2/ I believe the effects observed while driving are more likely due to intermittent connections at track joints... IMO.



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C,  since have no pc compatible or smartphone for upgrading, stoped at only geek store in area for estimate of the 2.4 upgrade.  It was starting at $40 with no guarantee of working so decided 2nd pro here would probably be used for Riko mod too.

Then saw your discussion on SF about the new and improved 2519 pro which allows curve changers and single lanes like Riko mod and also corrects the analog problem.

So wondering why scaly does not market just the new base for those of us that bought in earlier as the replacement we need now while my second stock base could become a door stop.

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