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Touch screen problems

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I've used the search facility on here but nothing related to my problem came up so forgive me if this has been mentioned before. I've set up a 22" touch screen next to my layout to use Rail Master with but the program always defaults to the main screen every time I boot up. Every other program I use always boots back up on the monitor it was last used on, I can't even use it in full screen. If I'm on the touch screen it has to be in a slightly reduced screen size and should I forget and click the maximise button then it instantly jumps across to the main screen. If I click on any of the button that bring up another little screen they always pop up on the main monitor; even though the last time they were used they were moved across to the touch screen. Every time I use the program it's like starting from scratch. Actually! I've tried it on one of my other attached monitors (none touch screen) and it does exactly the same thing, the program just doesn't like running on any other screen but the one you've allocated as the "main screen" in Windows (10 pro).

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Pop ups in RM like the expanded throttle or loco and controller setup screens are always external to the main screen, so if you minimise the main screen screen the pop ups are still there on top of any other applications you have running like mail or browser.


Whether this is a an RM or Windows characteristic and if you can setup either or both to stabilise RM on your touch screen I have no idea, but maybe AC our resident IT Guru can help when he spots the post.

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This is a minefield area where so many temporary fixes can be found but they are hardly worth mentioning as the issue just keeps returning.

It's been an issue for some years and particularly with Windows 10 where dual monitors are used.

I will freely admit I haven't attempted dual monitor use with RailMaster because I have no need.

I am, however, curious as to how this issue is presenting itself to you and will, hopefully, get an opportunity to replicate it shortly. I am about to be in a position where two monitors are being given to me as a client's business shuts down. If you find a solution then great but I will try this anyway and report back.


My main areas of concern here is that the issue may not be down to Windows 10 as a whole because users do not always have exactly the same screens being used for one purpose and they invariably differ.

By that I mean they could be different resolutions, different types, different sizes and any other area of difference you care to add. Drivers would be different too and this potentially could be the main problem although some folk don't install monitor drivers, using the generic OS versions instead.


One of the main problems is the one where the secondary monitor, when maximised, leaves a gap at the top of the screen or becomes transparent and one can click on the area and get the underlying window to be active immediately when it shouldn't be accessible.


If you have an Intel based chipset for your graphics then try this 'fix'. It is not a guranteed fix but it has worked for some, but not all.

Go to the settings for your graphics card > click display > choose Scale Full Screen and ensure Override Application Settings is ticked.


I'll update if I can pretty soon...

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