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1/72 MiG-17F 'Fresco' (A03091)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Nice job! I've nearly finished mine wheels down and it's one hell of a tail sitter. I put a phenomenal amount of lead in it and even then had to sacrifice the pilot for a few more grams. (It does now sit on its nose wheel) It's a very good kit though with many options for many airforces. The undercarriage is the weakest part of the kit but it does work .. Let the cement cure overnight before letting it sit on its wheels

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...

Hi All,


I recently completed a Vietnam era F-100D Super Sabre, so I have pulled my MiG 17 from the stash to keep it company on the shelf.



I will be using this book as reference;



I have a set of decals for North Vietnamese MiG 17, 19 and 21's which I intended to use, but the kit decals are just more interesting, so I'm sticking with them. However, they won't go to waste as I have a MiG 19 and MiG 21F-13 waiting in the wings.


The plastic looks nice on the sprues. I have read some reviews pointing out shape errors in the wing inner leading edge (it should be sharper), however this is a small issue for me and I will be leaving it alone. There are lots of alternate, or unused parts pointing to other versions in the future.


The instructions are Airfix's usual standard, which means nice and clear.


That's it for now, but I should have progress to post fairly soon.

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Keep us posted. Funnily enough I have the same aftermarket set and decided to stick with the kit too. I had a burst of Vietnam over Xmas then stalled. I have this build 95% complete next to a 95% complete version of Robin Olds F4. Hopefully you'll encourage me to finish it!

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Hope I provide inspiration Peter!

This kit builds up pretty quickly with no pitfalls so far. The cockpit is nicely enough detailed for this scale, and the instrument decals are much better than previous efforts. There is a choice of tailpipe depending on whether you have the airbrakes open or closed. Don't forget to put the weight in the nose if you are doing wheels down.



Things all went together well, and pretty quickly once the cockpit was together. I do like the way the wings attach , and if you are careful no filler is required on that join. The only place I needed any filler was a touch around the nose ring to blend it in. In fact the join lines only needed a tiny bit of sanding to make them invisible.



All ready to start painting now. 

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Hi Old_Tonto, I've put loads of weight in the nose and behind the cockpit, and it does sit on all three nicely.

The MiG is all painted up now, following the painting guide on the instructions, then all remaining parts were attached such as undercarriage, canopy and tanks. All went on with no problems. Finally the areas where decals are to be placed were gloss coated. I will not be putting on the stencils as I think these would have been painted over.




Hope to have her finished tonight.

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All finished now. Decals went on without any issues, as expected, then a couple of coats of matt and all was done. This was a nice little no nonsense build, with no pitfalls. I would highly recommend it, I will be getting another when the next boxing comes out.


That red and white thing is an oil drum that comes in the kit to put under the tail, in case you don't put enough nose weight in it!










A shot of two Vietnam Air War adversaries, MiG 17F 'Fresco' and F-100D Super Sabre

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